Promenade meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Promenade
As noun : चंक्रमा Ex:  A public promenade
चहलकदमी करना Ex:  A ticket promenade टहलना Ex:  It is, by extension, a promenade planted with trees that circles d a city and who usually occupies the space where were former ramparts तटीय शहर में समुंद्र के साथ लोगो के लिए बना विचरण पथ Ex:  Loueuse chairs in a public promenade परिसर्या Ex:  The Garden Luxembourg is a magnificent promenade प्रमनेड Ex:  This gallery serves as a promenade in rainy weather मटरगश्त Ex:  , It is only a promenade says, speaking of a place, a country where one goes in no time, or is found not far विहारस्थल हवाखोरी
Promenade ki paribhasha : sone ka ek aabhooshan jo gale men pahana jaata hai ek hi dhuri par chaaron or bhraman karana dhire dhire tahalanaa, ghoomana ya chalana
Usage of Promenade in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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