Propeller meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Propeller
As noun : अंजि Ex:  The aircraft willnot move until the propeller works properly.
नोदक Ex:  Butchart found the propeller slowed but then started spinning again उ:   नोदक प्ररूप के टरबाइन के रनर में केवल तीन या चार पंख ही होते हैं। नोदयिता Ex:  In 1784 Jean-Pierre Blanchard fitted a hand-powered propeller to a balloon प्रयोजक Ex:  This low speed limits the speed of any propeller driven airplane. प्रेरक Ex:  Boat propeller उ:   प्रेरक भाव है, विचार नहीं।
Propeller ki paribhasha : uttejana dene ya dabaav dalanevaala
Usage of Propeller in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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