Prosaic meaning in hindi
As noun : अकल्पनाशील Ex:  A prosaic kind
As adjective :
अरअ Ex:  He complains of the existence of prosaic गतरस Ex:  prosaic Expression निसीठी Ex:  to write in a way prosaic नीरस Ex:  Towards prosaic उ: द्विवेदी युग की कविता नीरस उपदेशात्मक और इतिवृत्तात्मक थी। फीकरिया Ex:  He said, by extension and figuratively, of What a prosaic character विरलभक्ति साठनाठ
Other : अरसिक Ex:  It is also transitive verb and means, figuratively, Make prosaic as opposed to idealize गद्य ऐसा Ex:  prosaic style गद्य संबंधी Ex:  Term prosaic गद्यात्मक Ex:  They say, speaking of persons: You are prosaic उ: ये कोश अनुमान के अनुसार गद्यात्मक थे। बेरस शुष्क उ: इस बारिश के अलावा यहाँ का मौसम शुष्क है।
Prosaic ki paribhasha : vah ek baat ya gun jo kisi jaati ya varg ki sab chijon men samaan roop se paaya jaay 3301 niras jisamen koi svaad ya maja na ho
ExamplesUsage of Prosaic in sentences
The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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