Prosperous meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Prosperous
As noun : सम्पन्न Ex:  Maffeo , were prosperous merchants who traded with the East. उ:   रुक्मणी सर्वगुण सम्पन्न तथा अति सुन्दरी थी।
As adjective :
अकृशलक्ष्मी Ex:  Once prosperous he now leads the life of a mendicant. अरध्र Ex:  She went to foreign to become a prosperous lady. खुशहाल Ex:  London had become the largest and most prosperous city in England उ:   उनका राज्य न्‍यायप्रिय और खुशहाल माना जाता था। परिबृंहित Ex:  Northern German towns grew prosperous as members of the Hanseatic League. भूरिभाग Ex:  Although the colony was prosperous लव्धोदय Ex:  Oxyrhynchus was a prosperous regional capital, the third-largest city in Egypt. शिवगति Ex:  Mining is quite prosperous in the Andes समृद्ध Ex:  The Cypriot economy is prosperous and has diversified in recent years. उ:   वे वाराणसी के समृद्ध साह परिवार के सदस्य थे।
Other : आबाद Ex:  Whereas Belfast was prosperous and industrial उ:   जिनके काफी परिवार यहाँ आबाद है। आबादानी Ex:  His family were prosperous उन्नत Ex:  Along with California's prosperous agricultural industry उ:   अनेक प्रकार के उन्नत बीज इन्होंने तैयार किए। ऐश्वर्य Ex:  The Inca were prosperous and advanced कुशल Ex:  Her father was a prosperous insurance broker of Irish descent उ:   ये पत्रों के कुशल लेखक थे। लक्ष्मी Ex:  Australia has a prosperous उ:   लक्ष्मी ने नारायण को वरमाला देकर प्रसन्न किया। वैभव Ex:  A recent trend has been the migration of prosperous उ:   उस समय यज्ञ करना समृद्धि, वैभव और खुशहाली की निशानी माना जाता था। श्री Ex:  New Jersey became a prosperous state through the Roaring Twenties उ:   यहां श्री रघुना‍थ अपने रथ पर विराजमान हैं। संपन्न Ex:  A few high-profile technology companies contribute to a prosperous economy. उ:   भारत में चुनाव चुनाव आयोग संपन्न कराता है। सर Ex:  Basel grew extremely prosperous compared to other European towns. उ:   इन फिल्मों में उनकी आवाज का जादू श्रोताओ के सर चढ़कर बोला। सुसंपन्न Ex:  Gabon is more prosperous than most nearby countries हरा Ex:  All things were prosperous him उ:   लेकिन ये शिवजी द्वारा हरा दिए गए।
Prosperous ki paribhasha : jise kisi prakaar ka kasht na ho, sab prakaar ka sukh ho jisaka ansh ya vibhaag na kiya gaya ho athava jisake tukade ya vibhaag na hue hon vah naayak jo ek hi vivaahit stri men anurakt ho vaibhavayukt vah jisake paas bahut adhik dhan snpatti ho ped se malakar ya daayankar alag kiya hua dhaan mahaabhaarat ke anusaar ek naag ka naam
Usage of Prosperous in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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