Protrude meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Protrude
As verb : निकला हुआ होना Ex:  In terms of breeding, he said of the Action protrude
बाहर निकला हुआ होना या निकालना Ex:  The first plans do not protrude enough in this picture बाहर निकला हुआ होना Ex:  The shadows are well formed protrude more or less objects
Other : आगे निकलना Ex:  Librarian asked the students that books should not be left protrude while they search for the magazine. उभरना Ex:  Suburban residents live in traditional gers that do not protrude into the soil. निकल पडना Ex:  Batman's gloves typically feature three scallops that protrude from the sides. निकल पड़ना Ex:  Bony horns did protrude from the skull of P. sibiricus बाहर निकलना Ex:  Make protrude a mare
Usage of Protrude in sentences

The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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