Puberty meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Puberty
As noun : बैसंधि Ex:  It is not yet in the age puberty
यौवनारंभ Ex:  MUE also said, by analogy, the change that occurs in the human voice at puberty उ:   यौवनारंभ के पहले होने पर विकास देर से होता है या रूक जाता है। वयःसंधि Ex:  puberty also means age at which the law allows to get married
Other : जवानी Ex:  For males during puberty उ:   फिर उन्की भरी जवानी में वह पेम प्रसंगयुक्त उपन्यास लिखने लगी। तरुणायी Ex:  According to our laws, the age of puberty is ten -eight years for boys and fifteen for girls तारुण्य Ex:  Physiology Who has reached the age of puberty तारुण्यगम Ex:  Anatomy Bottom of the belly, which is covered with hair at puberty परिपक्वता Ex:  flow Medicine blood which women, which is not big subject every month, from puberty until menopause उ:   इसके कारण यौन परिपक्वता में देर भी हो सकती है। वयःसन्धि Ex:  Signs of puberty
Puberty ki paribhasha : avastha ka vah madhy bhaag jo baalyaavastha aur yauvana- vastha ke bich ki sthiti
Usage of Puberty in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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