Publicity meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Publicity
As noun : ऐंडवर्टिजमेंट Ex:  unwelcome publicity
प्रख्याति Ex:  Mansfield posed with LaVey for publicity photos, as did Sammy Davis, Jr. उ:   कवि की प्रख्याति का कारण उसकी महत्वपूर्ण रचना 'रामसतसई' ही है। प्रचार Ex:  The European publicity materials for the film उ:   खद्दर का प्रचार भी होता था। बगारो Ex:  Bombings in Great Britain tended to have had more publicity विज्ञापन Ex:  Lawrence was ambivalent about Thomas's publicity उ:   इसलिए विज्ञापन हमारे लिए जरूरी है। सूचनापत्र Ex:  A publicity office
Other : जानकारी Ex:  Kubrick also shunned the Hollywood system and its publicity machine. उ:   जानकारी में घोषित किया हुआ माना जाए। लोक प्रसिद्धि Ex:  The publicity helped attract people to the cinemas विख्यापन प्रकाशना Ex:  Despite the publicity generated by the case
Publicity ki paribhasha : vah jisake bhitar padkar chijen dikhaayi padti hain kisi baat ko batalaane ya jatalaane ki kriya kisi vastu ka nirntar vyavahaar ya upayog
Usage of Publicity in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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