Pulley block meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Pulley block
As noun : गरकी Ex:  It is usual that in these phrases: pulley block pulley, Pulley acting in conjunction with one or more other; Reeved wall, wall which was fixed iron bars to prevent deviate
गरड़ी घिरनी उ:   इसको रोकने के लिये मार्ग घिरनी का उपयोग होता है। चरखी उ:   खासकर लोहारू और चरखी दादरी की ओर पानी की अत्यधिक कमी है। चहलो टटीबा
Pulley block ki paribhasha : pahiye ki tarah ghoomanevaali koi vastu
Usage of Pulley block in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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