Punt meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Punt
As noun : ऐर्लैण्ड की मुद्रा Ex:  the punt traveled 50 yards
गेंद पर प्रहार Ex:  Other commonly used kicks are the torpedo punt and the checkside punt or "snap" डोँडी Ex:  , This is a kick monkey, he looks for a punt monkey wants a small man, hurt, which is embarrassed in his attire डोंगी में घूमना डोंगी उ:   यह डोंगी ड्रेन्ट्स संग्रहालय एसेन में प्रदर्शित है। पतवार वाली डोंगी बल को मारना वावुट
Usage of Punt in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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