Punter meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Punter
As noun : कृतक्रय Ex:  Three important special-teams players are the punter
क्रायक, क्रायिक Ex:  Detroit Lions defensive end and punter Yale Lary खरीददार गहको गहकोडा ग्राहक उ:   दिसम्बर २०१९ तक एयरटेल के २८,३०,३६,००० ग्राहक थे। ग्राहुक बाज़ी लगाने वाला मुश्तरी
Punter ki paribhasha : lene ya paane ki ichchha rakhanevaala
Usage of Punter in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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