Pure meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Pure
As noun : असली Ex:  Bakshi says, "My promise to Tolkien's daughter was to be pure to the book. उ:   लड़के भी लड़कियों की असली पहचान जान जाते हैं।
जेन्य Ex:  Dharma is not just law, or harmony, it is pure Reality. थेट Ex:  However, such pure systems are rare.
As adjective : अंबल Ex:  serious difficulties were encountered in obtaining a pure reagent अकल्क Ex:  that movie was pure corn अकिल्विष Ex:  They tested his hearing with pure tones of different frequencies. अकिल्विष Ex:  They tested his hearing with pure tones of different frequencies. अखोट Ex:  Renal artry carries pure blood from the kidney. अगर्हित Ex:  Her singing is pure magic. अदंब Ex:  The acqua guard provides with pure water. अदुषित Ex:  A pure rocket is not usually regarded as an aerodyne अपंकिल Ex:  Mia Farrow said she was as "sweet and pure a human being as I have ever known" अपंकिल Ex:  Mia Farrow said she was as "sweet and pure a human being as I have ever known" अपिच्छिल Ex:  The visual gags were pure Keystone अभिविनीत Ex:  Just 1.1% are of pure European origin . अमनिया Ex:  There is no record of pure shamanistic societies . अमल Ex:  These figures are valid for pure carbon dioxide. उ:   उसकी ‎शिक्षा पर अमल करें। अमिश्रित Ex:  It may be a mixture, such as brass, or elemental, like pure iron. अयातयाम Ex:  If the light is not a pure white source अरेप Ex:  Aid is seldom given from motives of pure altruism अविकृत Ex:  I knew that what was needed was some pure इद्ध Ex:  He researched elastic solids and pure geometry during this time. इलाहीमुहर Ex:  Do it now: pure Gonzo journalism". उन्मार्जित Ex:  The fighting in Tampere was pure civil war उशत् Ex:  He places Gordon back into stasis and leaves through a door of pure light. ऊर्द्ध्वमंथी Ex:  60 in pure mathematics, 20 in physics, and 60 in applied mathematics. ऊर्द्ध्वरेता Ex:  While pure hydrocarbons undergo certain limited classes of reactions ऊर्द्ध्वलिंगी Ex:  The goals of dances range from pure entertainment to religious devotion. ऊर्द्ध्वस्रोता Ex:  It is pure neoclassical architecture कौमारचारी Ex:  Weber distinguished three pure types of political leadership खलिस Ex:  Various teas, as sold, are not pure varieties खालिस Ex:  It does not, however, contain a pure copy of the Vulgate. उ:   ‘खड़ी बोली' को अपने भारत की खालिस या खरी बोली माना है। चालीससरा Ex:  The science of war leads one to dictatorship, pure and simple. Ex:  The science of non-violence alone can lead one to pure democracy. उ:   संदेश दैनिक को छ स्थानों से प्रकाशित किया जाता हैं। टहाटह Ex:  While pure silica can be made into glass for special applications तीर्थीभूत Ex:  Throughout his career he insisted that his acting was pure technique दक्षकन्या Ex:  From this point onwards, pure blitzkrieg operations played less part. निछान— Ex:  In pure literary criticism his principal work is the Commentaire sur Corneille निजि Ex:  Table salt sold for consumption today is not pure sodium chloride. उ:   इस गाँव में तीन आंगनबाडी केन्द्र , तीन सरकारी व तीन निजि विद्यालय है। निम्मल Ex:  This can include pure iron, such as wrought iron, or an alloy such as steel. निरज Ex:  SiO2. In its pure form it exists as a polymer, n. निरजासु Ex:  An example of a pure abjad is ancient Phoenician. निरजासु Ex:  An example of a pure abjad is ancient Phoenician. निरवक Ex:  While pure cryptanalysis uses weaknesses in the algorithms themselves निर्णिक्तमना Ex:  Mathematicians also engage in pure mathematics निर्मल Ex:  A heart, a pure soul उ:   इसे निर्मल ग्राम अमरपुर भी काहा जाता है। निर्मायल Ex:  A living faith and pure निश्कलँक Ex:  A pure निष्कल्मष Ex:  A pure doctrine निष्केवल Ex:  A pure liquor of any mixture परोरजस् Ex:  A pure sky, a cloudless sky पाकदामन Ex:  All his conduct is pure simagrée पाकोजा Ex:  All His conduite is pure simagrée पुनीत Ex:  All this is pure comedy उ:   इस विश्व में इससे बढ़कर कोई अन्य पुनीत स्थल नहीं है। पुनीतव Ex:  belong to pure mathematics पो Ex:  By analogy, a race of writer, a writer whose quality is clear and pure उ:   यारलुंग त्सांग पो नदी का हिस्सा। पौण्य Ex:  Christian theologians differ: the state of pure nature, incorporates state of nature, the fallen state of nature and raised प्रांजल Ex:  Clear sky, pure उ:   हरिऔध की भाषा प्रौढ़, प्रांजल और आकर्षक है। फरच, फरचा Ex:  Doing something by dilettantism, of pure dilettantism, Excluding it, without having interest, pleasure फरहर ‡ Ex:  Drink pure water, pure फरहर ‡ Ex:  Drink pure water, pure बेमिलावट Ex:  From chemically pure water बेमिलावट Ex:  From chemically pure water ब्रह्मचारी Ex:  He did this by jollity, by pure gaillardise उ:   ब्रह्मचारी के लिये उन्हीं का पूजन विहित है। मुस्तफा Ex:  He made the action of its pure and honest will मेखली Ex:  He said specifically, in terms of Natural History, a Collection, a group similar species between them, and which can meet pure common characters लिंगस्थ Ex:  Her feelings are pure लुब्व Ex:  His blood is very pure विनिधौर्त Ex:  His manners are regular and pure विनिर्मल Ex:  In philosophical language, it opposes Sensitive and means who is perceived as more or less real by pure thought and not by the senses विपृक्वत् Ex:  In terms of chemistry, a liquid Rectifier, The distilling again to make it more pure विपृक्वत् Ex:  In terms of chemistry, a liquid Rectifier, The distilling again to make it more pure विमलात्मक Ex:  It carries pure silver, pure mouths of विमलार्थक Ex:  It does so out of pure generosity विशुद्ध Ex:  It is a pure banter उ:   भाषा विशुद्ध ब्रजभाषा है। विसदद Ex:  It is a pure effect of chance वीतविष Ex:  It is a pure generosity pattern that does the talking वैतान Ex:  It is a pure gibberish वैतान Ex:  It is a pure gibberish शफ्फाक Ex:  It is a very pure writer शफ्फाक Ex:  It is a very pure writer शुद्ध Ex:  It is only a jest, a pure jest उ:   अपने शुद्ध रूप में इसमें धात्विक चमक होती है। शुद्धिकरण Ex:  It is pure hypothesis उ:   धर्म वह पवित्र अनुष्ठान है जिससे चेतना का शुद्धिकरण होता है। सती Ex:  It is pure imagination उ:   सती स्तंभ यहां का मुख्य आकर्षण है। सतीर्थ्य Ex:  It is pure slander, says an advanced without proof Imputation सर्वपूत Ex:  It says figuratively very pure feelings, very intangible, sometimes refined, and the People experience हिरंबर Ex:  Loving God with a pure love
Other : अमलिन Ex:  A significant amount of this expenditure was pure financial loss to the Empire अमिश्र Ex:  There is only pure experience अम्लान Ex:  All other electric locomotives are pure AC ones from the WAP अस्पृष्ट Ex:  The approach of the Modernist architects was to reduce buildings to pure forms इकौना Ex:  In 1898 Wallace wrote a paper advocating a pure paper money system उ:   इसकी तीन तहसीलें भिनगा, इकौना और जमुनहा है। खरा Ex:  Likewise he notes that in a pure type of traditional rule खालिस निर्दोष Ex:  The excretions from these glands are almost pure sodium chloride. चंगा Ex:  England prepared pure hydrogen chloride in 1772 ठेठ Ex:  In the laboratory mostly pure chemicals are used. उ:   ठेठ हिन्दी, परिनिष्ठित पश्चिमी हिन्दी का एक रूप। निखालिस Ex:  He concludes that unlike most pure deists निरा Ex:  A pure animal diet can निर्मल निर्दोष Ex:  One major distinction is between pure mathematics and applied mathematics. निष्कलंक Ex:  A pure and severe drawing परिशुद्ध Ex:  A pure reputation पवित्र Ex:  A source of pure water उ:   अंदर पवित्र दर्शन के लिए रखी अनेक मूर्तियां हैं। पाक Ex:  A very pure उ:   धनुषकोडी और भारत की मुख्यभूमि के बीच पाक जलसंधि है। फरचा Ex:  Doing something out of friendship, out of pure friendship विना मोल Ex:  His intentions are straight and pure विमल Ex:  In this place, he handled millions, and his hands remained pure उ:   समय के चलते, एक दिन उसे विमल का पत्र मिलने पर उसका उत्तर देती है। शुचि Ex:  It is not usual that in these sentences: to be absolved pure and full- has resulted in a pure and Full साफ Ex:  It still means, figuratively, letter or inscription at the head of a printed book, pure which it is placed under the patronage of someone उ:   प्रथम दौर में अनेक नगरों की दो तिहाई से तीन चौथाई आबादी तक साफ हो गई। स्वच्छ Ex:  It was to offer to the gods as pure victims उ:   लोग अपने घरों को दीपक और मोमबत्तियों के साथ सजाते और स्वच्छ करते हैं।
Pure ki paribhasha : vah gyaan jo bhraaantishoony aur vishuddh ho jisamen kisi prakaar ka kalnk na ho bauddh shaastr ke anusaar maitraayani ke ek putr ka naam kusha ki bani hui pavitri jise shraadghaadi men aanguliyon men pahanate hain brahmachary aashram ke antargat vyakti jisamen koi vastu milaayi na gai ho bina milaavat ka shuddh tntr ke anusaar sharir ke andar ke chhah chakron men se paaanchavaaan chakra, jo gale men maana jaata hai bina kisi prakaar ke dosha, kalnk ya apavaad aadi ke daksh prajaapati ki kanya jo bhav ya shiv ko vyaahi gai thi
Usage of Pure in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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