Purifying meaning in hindi
As adjective : जलजोनि Ex:  The common process of purifying soap involves removal of sodium chloride
जुहूवान् Ex:  A breath purifying पावक Ex:  Burdock root is used in medicine as purifying र Ex:  Prayers purifying वक्षण Ex:  purifying a body politic, administrative staff वर्हिष्केश Ex:  purifying the heart, soul, someone's feelings, Hunting of the mind and heart of someone's thoughts, feelings contrary to religion, morality, honor वाहस Ex:  a purifying fire सधि Ex:  A water purifying समित्पांथ सम्महा सुजिह्व हविरशन हविष्यभक्ष, हविष्यभुज् हिमहानकृत्
ExamplesUsage of Purifying in sentences
The word can be used as adjective in hindi
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