Purview meaning in hindi
As noun : अंडकोश Ex: Political science falls within the purview of social science.
उपतारक Ex: The Department of Culture had a broad purview कठि्ठया Ex: The Salt Lake office included Nevada within its purview चक्रवाट पारावार प्रवाँण प्रांततः बारहपत्थर मूत्रकोश विजकोशक वीजपेशिका सीँवँ, सीँव सीँवा सीमा उ: यह भारत-बर्मा सीमा से ६ किलोमीटर दूर है। हीता
Other : कार्य क्षेत्र Ex: A uniformed organisation under the purview of the Ministry of Home Affairs किसी विधान का विधायक भाग Ex: Scouting was the purview of the world's youth क्षेत्र गोचर नियम का लेख मुख्यांश मुख्याशं व्यापित हद्द
Purview ki paribhasha : vishnu ka ek naam vah sthaan jahaaan ann boya jaata ho vaidyak shaastraa- nusaar vaat pittaadi prakratiyon ka snchaar ya ghataav badhaav kisi pradesh ya vastu ke vistaar ka antim sthaan
ExamplesUsage of Purview in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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