Put out meaning in hindi
As noun : अव्यवस्थित करना Ex: He put out the fire with f lour .
As verb :
अँगडा़ई Ex: He put out the same for seven managers अंकुरना Ex: The police put out a warrant on Max . अख्ज Ex: Liz was quite put out about the question . अप्रगुण Ex: Please put out the cat after dinner . आसादन Ex: We put out some very fine products . आहत होना Ex: Epitaph put out Let's Go by Rancid उजवालना Ex: But there is no compulsion to follow the rules put out by these organisations. उज्जृंभ Ex: After the fielding team has put out three players from the opposing team उतपानना Ex: NASA even put out a press release describing it as such. उत्पन्न होना Ex: A big fish put out the nets उत्पादन करना Ex: Fight to the death, duel which was to end only when one of two opponents was put out of action by his injury and asked with उदभावन Ex: Foster Father, Husband of woman with whom a child was put out to nurse उदीतना Ex: He put out his domestic उद्गगम Ex: In terms of Artillery, chambering Room, Room that room, hollow that put out of उपनामा Ex: It is also said someone put out of action ऊआनापु Ex: It is also used transitively, in terms of the Navy, and it means a building put out of state to use ऊगर Ex: It is said that someone even put out of action ऊबटना Ex: It means, figuratively and familiarly , confuse someone in a discussion, put out of state to meet कठठना Ex: It still means figuratively disconcerted, put out of action, answer कष्ट करना Ex: put out too strong lights, too bright colors in a picture गलत साबित करना Ex: Putting someone out of a house, or simply put out जम्मना Ex: The cabaleurs were put out of the room टुट्टना Ex: They say He even put out of your टूटना Ex: This show put out my heart ठवनापु Ex: We must put out a त्रुटना Ex: , Cut the whistle to someone Make it as dumb, put out of state to meet निकलना Ex: , Cut the whistle to someone, the mute, put out of state to meet निर्धाप Ex: , Put someone defeated in an argument, the disconcerted, put out of state to meet परेशान Ex: He maneuvered so that it is put out of business उ: कुछ दिन बाद मारने वाला परिवार परेशान होने लगा। परेशानी में होना परेशानी होना प्रकाशित करना प्रातिधान बाजार में लाना बिहडना बुझाना बुताना बेहवास बेहोस करना रखना उ: खराद पर काम करने से पहले कुछ बातों को ध्यान में रखना बहुत आवश्यक है। लाति लेना उ: इस दुर्ग के चारों ओर धीरे धीरे एक छोटे से शहर ने आकार लेना शुरू किया। विनिः सरण विभंज विमर्षित श्चोत, श्चोतन, श्च्योत, श्च्योतन श्रयना सधिविच्छेद सन्निवेश सन्यासन समुज्जृंभण समुत्पादन हरामखोरी हलाकान ‡
Put out ki paribhasha : kisi ko boojhane men pravratt karana kisi vastu par ya kisi vastu ke andar doosari vastu sthit karana doosare ke haath se apane haath men karana kisi vastu ka aaghaata, dabaav ya jhatake ke dvaara do ya kai bhaagon men ekabaaragi vibhakt hona
ExamplesUsage of Put out in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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