Queen meaning in hindi
As noun : अनवरार्ध्य Ex: The queen had several ladies in waiting around her.
अमात्य़ Ex: A queen is a women who is the head of a country. पूज्य महिला Ex: Paris is the queen of cities पैदल के वजीर को घर पहुचानाना Ex: Hera is considered as the queen of heaven. प्रतिविशिष्ट Ex: The queen of Egypt lent him the money he needed for the army बुधिसहाय Ex: Elizabeth became queen at the age of twenty-five. बेगम Ex: They owed little directly to the queen उ: वे अपनी बेगम से बेहद प्यार करते थे। महरानी Ex: His mother remained as titular queen of Castile until her death 1555 महादेइ Ex: Gird the crown, king or queen Become महारानी Ex: Gird the crown, king or queen Become उ: इनके बाद महारानी मैरी थीं। रागी ‡ Ex: Grand sergeant to the king, the queen राजपत्नी Ex: In terms of card games, Major third, ace, king and queen of the same suit राजपुत्रा Ex: In this sense, it is said proverbially Opinion is the queen of the world राजमाता Ex: Most old tales begin with this sentence: "There was or there was a both a king and a queen उ: उस दिन राजमाता समय पर आकार सगाई रोक देती है। राज्ञी Ex: Moving Up to the throne, king or queen Become रानी चीटी Ex: Rome was called the queen of cities रानी मधुमक्खी Ex: The butler of the king, the queen of England रानी Ex: The daughters honor of the queen, or simply The daughters of the queen उ: वो सभी देवताओं की रानी थीं। वजीर Ex: The opinion is the queen of the world उ: बीच में राजा व वजीर रहता है। वरुल Ex: The queen mother, Queen Dowager विराज्ञी Ex: The queen of queens शतरंज का वजीर Ex: The reigning queen श्रेष्ठतम Ex: The rose is the queen of flowers समलैंगिक पुरुष Ex: There was a reception to the king, the queen सर्वोत्तम Ex: There was once a king and queen उ: सर्वोत्तम ऐतिहासिक नाटक भी इसी समय लिखे गए। साररुप Ex: , Sit on the throne, Drive throne, becoming king or queen सुलताना Ex: He said again, in some courses, the Principal officer who accompanies a queen or a princess of the royal family when they go out
As verb : रानी जैसा व्यवहार करना Ex: Superintendent of the house of the queen वजीर चलना Ex: The opinion is the queen of
Other : क्वीन Ex: Elizabeth became the queen of England after the death of King George. उ: १९६२ में वे एम जे कॉलेज में कॉलेज क्वीन चुनी गयीं। मलका Ex: The queen officiated at the rites in the temples मलिका Ex: When she learned from Baroness Lehzen that one day she could be queen उ: इस महल को पूथेन मलिका नाम से भी जाना जाता है। महा रानी का काम करना Ex: Beauty is the queen of hearts महा रानी Ex: Bites queen राजमहिषी Ex: It looked like the favorite of the queen रानी बनाना Ex: The bathroom of the king, the queen
Queen ki paribhasha : matsyapuraan ke anusaar soory ki patni ka naam pital naam ki ek prasiddh dhaatu taasha ki patton men se ek jisapar ek stri ya raani ka chitr bana hota hai vah jo baadashaah ko riyaasat ke prabndh men salaah ya sahaayata de striyon ke liye aadarasoochak shabd
ExamplesUsage of Queen in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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