Quill meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Quill
As noun : अक्षरजननी Ex:  We could see the quill of a porcupine behind the thick bushes.
अग्रबीज Ex:  He used a quill to write the letter. कलम Ex:  She collects the quill from the sanctuary. उ:   प्रेमचंद की कलम की यही विशेषता है। खामा Ex:  Dipping her quill in ink पंख की कलम Ex:  Instrument which painters use to apply and spread the color, and which consists of an assembly of hairs of certain animals, strongly attached to the end of a shaft, or retained after a quill पिच्छाक्ष मषिप्रसू मसिपथ मसिप्रसू लेखिनी वर्णतूलि वर्णमाता वर्णवर्ति, वर्णवर्तिका वर्णांका श्रीकरण काँटा
Quill ki paribhasha : baaans ka bana hua prasiddh baaja jo muanh se phooankakar bajaaya jaata hai shrrangi ya bhrangi jo shiv ke parishad hain vah dhaan jo ek jagah boya jaay aur ukhaadkar doosari jagah lagaaya jaay jamuna ke kinaare ki vah nikammi bhoomi jisamen kuchh upajata nahin vah avayav jisase chidiyaa, phatinge aadi hava men udte hain
Usage of Quill in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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