Quite a few meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Quite a few
As noun : अंदधुंध Ex:  The frequency was quite a few megahertz.
अगाधा Ex:  Do you need one? I have quite a few . अनगन० Ex:  The 2005 movie also added quite a few collectibles अबेश Ex:  Sometimes a meeting is entirely silent, sometimes quite a few people speak. अमाम Ex:  There are quite a few cooperative organizations in the Madison area अमोगाँ Ex:  Moreover, quite a few of these letters are of essay length. अल्पेतर Ex:  Mail has been transported by quite a few other methods throughout history उपसंपन्न Ex:  The Relapse contains quite a few moments of morality and uplift. उर्वरित Ex:  However, quite a few have embraced Hegelian dialectic. काफि Ex:  It's a quite a few incorrect use this word in the sense of Rude, ignorant, rude, which is a contradiction and say Ways crude, a crude man, which actually means the opposite of what we mean घने Ex:  We spent quite a few days melancholically उ:   इसी बीच यह क्षेत्र घने जंगल के रूप में बढ़ता रहा। घनेरे जाजा धकाधक पर्याप्त उ:   जंनसंख्यानुसार पर्याप्त चिकित्सालय हों। बहीय बहुत उ:   यह झरने पर्यटकों को बहुत आकर्षित करते हैं। बहुत्त बहुमुख बहोत बोहला बोहोत बौत भूयः भूरिशः विस्तरता स्फिर हरचंद हलब्बी ‡
Quite a few ki paribhasha : jo parimaan men alp ya nyoon na ho yathesht hone ka bhaav
Usage of Quite a few in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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