Radiate meaning in hindi
As noun : उभासना Ex:  Other major roads generally radiate spoke-like from the city centre.
ओझकना Ex:  Opercule struck molluscs, Opercule in streaks that radiate from the summit चमकना चमक्कना चमच्चना चमाकना चौँधना जलकना जलजलाना झबकना झबूकना झलहलना टिमकना डमकना तरक्कना दमंकना दुपकना लौँकना विभारना वोपना
As verb : अंकुरना Ex:  Four roads radiate from this central point. आनन्द फैलाना Ex:  Five major national highways radiate outward towards Mumbai आस्तार Ex:  Socio-economic areas radiate out from the Central Business District उद्गगम Ex:  Pain radiates most often to the left arm but may also radiate to the lower jaw ऊआनापु Ex:  Principal transportation corridors radiate from the Minneapolis-St. ऊगर Ex:  With a comprehensive network of freeways that radiate out from the city कठठना किरण फेंकना किसी केन्द्रीय बिन्दु से चारों ओर प्रस्फुटित होना निकलना फूटना बिखेरना बिटालना बिथराना विनिः सरण विभंज श्चोत, श्चोतन, श्च्योत, श्च्योतन समुज्जृंभण
Radiate ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ka svayn athava kisi ka prakaash padne ke kaaran khoob chamakana khari ya karaari vastuon ka dabaav ya aaghaat paakar tootana
ExamplesUsage of Radiate in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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