Radius meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Radius
As noun : अगूठा Ex:  they located it within a radius of 2 miles
अच्छूरिका Ex:  The police searched all the corners within a radius of 2km. अर्द्धव्यास Ex:  This is the radius that is inferred from the electron's electric charge उ:   यह १०० किलो मीटर के अर्द्धव्यास का शहर आज भी अपना एक महत्व रखता है। अर्द्ध्यास Ex:  The effect on the Moon’s orbital radius is a small one अवहालिका Ex:  So the radius in A.U. is about: . आव्रन्न Ex:  Mars has approximately half the radius of Earth and only one-tenth the mass कंपाउंड Ex:  Effective molecular radius is the size a molecule displays in solution. कठि्ठया Ex:  Pulsating variable stars vary in radius and luminosity over time गिरदध Ex:  , the circle centered at with radius r units, is given by provided that . गिरदाइय Ex:  Since the diameter is twice the radius घेरा Ex:  Owing to the requirements for large radius turns and modest grades उ:   फूलों में पाँच दल होते हैं और उनका घेरा बहुत बड़ा होता है। चक्रबाल Ex:  The Sun's radius is measured from its center to the edge of the photosphere. छोल Ex:  B and C: also known as: where R is the radius of the triangle's circumcircle. जानवरों में अग्र पैर की हड्डी Ex:  Let be the number of civilizations that can be seen out to radius . Ex:  Let be the radius of the galaxy. त्रिज्या Ex:  One of the first estimates of the radius of the Earth was made by Eratosthenes. उ:   व्यास, त्रिज्या का दोगुना होता है। त्रिभजीया Ex:  Radio Wimbledon can be heard within a five-mile radius on 87.7 FM त्रिभज्या Ex:  Titania, has a radius of only 788.9 km, or less than half that of the Moon निवृति Ex:  A comparable quantity is the half-light radius परिकर्ष, परिकर्षण Ex:  "Very large" tropical cyclones have a radius of greater than 8 degrees or . परिवाँन Ex:  Images of point sources spread out over a radius of more than one arcsecond पारिमाष्य Ex:  Anatomy Pertaining to the radius पाशबंध Ex:  for ten miles radius around Paris, one would not find such a beautiful home प्रविस्तर, प्रविस्तार Ex:  In terms of geometry, The arrow of an arc, the radius passing through the middle of the rope arc फेरक Ex:  It also said the center is the radius drawn from a planet to a satellite, and the end of which the satellite is बहिः प्रकोष्ठिका Ex:  It is also used to express Some extended nearly a mile radius of बाँह के अग्र भाग की बाहरी हड्डी Ex:  Mathematics length the driven perpendicular to one end of an arc, the radius that passes through the other end मंदल Ex:  radius of a wheel, each of the parties who are going to the hub rims मुहासिरा Ex:  Take this piece of cloth on top of radius मेडर Ex:  Tangent, tangent, in a circle, at one end of the arc that encompasses angle, and complete the extension of the radius passing through the other end of मोघ Ex:  The radius of glassware राउंड Ex:  The radius of perfumery, children costumes रेडियस Ex:  The radius of the silk वरिमा Ex:  This book is the third, fourth radius वाटक Ex:  Turning radius वाड Ex:  Within a radius of so many leagues वृत्तपरिणाह Ex:  The tangent of the circle perpendicular to the radius end of the वृत्ताकार क्षेत्र वेढ सचक्र सर्किट उ:   अब इसका इस्तेमाल ज्यादातर रेडियो फ्रीक्वेंसी सर्किट में किया जाता है। सिखला स्तंभकर स्तनाभोग स्तूपपरिधि हीता
Other : अरव्यासार्ध Ex:  A radius is half the diameter. अर्द्ध व्यास Ex:  The classical electron radius is 2.8179 × 10−15 m. अर्धवयास Ex:  Two circles of radius 15 yards अर्धव्यास Ex:  Denver is the most populous city within a radius of 550 miles . उ:   उनके केंद्रों के बीच की दूरी उनके अर्धव्यास के बराबर होती है। दायरे Ex:  These are the core radius , the half-light radius and the tidal radius . उ:   ये सभी धमाके दो किलोमीटर के दायरे में हुए।
Radius ki paribhasha : babool ki jaati ka ek prakaar ka ped jise jaalabarburak ya sthoolakntak bhi kahate hain kisi tal ke sab or ke baahari kinaare kisi vratt ke kendr se paridhi tak khinchi hui rekha
Usage of Radius in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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