Raft meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Raft
As noun : अधिक माट्रा Ex:  People used the raft to cross the river.
परांचा Ex:  Finally, Pound/Odysseus is seen "on a raft blown by the wind". बेड़ा Ex:  22,000 passed through the canyon by raft रबर नौका Ex:  state of a boat, of a small building, a raft engraved लठ्ठों का बेड़ा वेडा
As verb : बेड़े पर से जाना Ex:  skidding a raft floated
Other : उड़प Ex:  Let's lash these logs together and make a raft . बेडा Ex:  Engraver a raft उ:   ये बेडा नायक क्षत्रिय वंश के थे। बेडा़ Ex:  Hire a boat, a raft in the sand in a shallow, so it no longer बेडे पर से जाना Ex:  It is also called Buoy raft बेड़ा Ex:  It still means Assemble the parts of a raft लट्ठा Ex:  This was particularly the Bois we sent down a stream, without a boat, by train, by raft or wooden lost लठ्ठों का बेडा Ex:  Wooden Train, Long assembling firewood, carpentry or joinery, shaped raft and floated it on a channel or river
Raft ki paribhasha : jo aaankhon ke samaanntar daahini or se baayi or athava baayi or se daahini or gaya ho
Usage of Raft in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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