Rafter meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Rafter
As noun : दीर्घकाष्ठ
बेड़े से यात्रा करने वाला शतीर लगाना शहतीर शाहतीर
Other : कडी़ Ex:  Level ice, ice sludge, pancake ice or rafter ice form in the more open regions. कढी Ex:  Heavier under purlin are used to support longer rafter spans. उ:   हरे फ़ल को सुखाकर उनक उपयोग कढी बनाने में किया जता है। कड़ी Ex:  Each rafter is an increase in payroll कढ़ी छत को सहारा देने बाली ( लकड़ी की कड़ी धन्नी
Rafter ki paribhasha : gaayon bailon ki ek jaati jo pnjaab men namakavaale pahaadon ke aasapaas paayi jaati hai lakadi ka chira hua bahut bad aur lnba lattha jo praayaः imaarat ke kaam men aata hai
Usage of Rafter in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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