Railway meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Railway
As noun : रेल की पटरी Ex:  We kept our luggage in the railway cloakroom.
रेल पथ Ex:  As this railway was being built रेलमार्ग Ex:  Today there is no railway in San Marino उ:   यह देश के विभिन्‍न रेलमार्ग द्वारा जुडा हुआ है। रेलवे Ex:  Prague has two international railway stations उ:   रेलवे स्टेशन को टाटानगर के नाम से जाना जाता है।
Other : रेल की सडक Ex:  Once the railway reached Echuca in 1864 रेल की सड़क Ex:  Saint Petersburg has international railway connections to Helsinki रेल Ex:  The railway was opened on 23 December 2007, a year after the original deadline. उ:   मेघालय में रेल लाइनें नहीं है। सडक जिस पर लोहे की पटरियां बिछी हों Ex:  Once the railway reached Echuca in 1864 सड़क जिस पर लोहे की पटरियां बिछी हों Ex:  Saint Petersburg has international railway connections to Helsinki स‌ंयान Ex:  The railway was opened on 23 December 2007, a year after the original deadline.
Railway ki paribhasha : sadk ki vah lohe ki patari jisapar relagaadi ke pahiye chalate hain
Usage of Railway in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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