Rainfall meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Rainfall
As noun : अर्वाग्वसु Ex:  Less rainfall stalls the developing of crops.
खजल Ex:  The highest rainfall in cherrapunji is about 40cm. खवारि Ex:  The average yearly rainfall is approximately 600 millimeters . गोघृत Ex:  Moderate rainfall occurred along the coastline तोयधार Ex:  Floyd produced torrential rainfall in the most eastern portions of Virginia पानी बरसना Ex:  The biggest one-day rainfall occurred on September 9 बारिस Ex:  The average annual rainfall उ:   जुलाई से बारिस की ठण्डी फुहारें आये दिन मौसम को नम करती रहती है। वर्षा Ex:  Here the rainfall is more evenly distributed than in the west उ:   वर्षा ऋतु के समय यहां घूमने का अपना ही आनंद है। वृष्टिपात Ex:  The average annual rainfall is about 1,300 mm . वृष्टिसंपात Ex:  Despite an annual rainfall of 80 to 100 inches
Other : बरसात का पानी Ex:  Annual rainfall here averages about 200 to 250 millimetres मेंह का पानी Ex:  Northern parts of the state average higher annual rainfall than the south. मेह Ex:  Though most rainfall occurs during winter वर्षा ऋतू का जल Ex:  Average annual rainfall in the lowlands varies from 1,780–3,175 millimeters वर्षापात Ex:  Here the rainfall is evenly distributed over the year
Usage of Rainfall in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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