Randomly meaning in hindi
As noun : अक्रमतः Ex: A stochastic system will have a randomly distributed error.
As adverb :
अंधाधुंध तरीके से Ex: the houses were randomly scattered अटकल पच्चू से Ex: Both shooters moved south from there and fired randomly under another table अव्यवस्थिततः Ex: If the microstructures are spaced randomly क्रमहीनतः Ex: PaX is able to map non-position-independent code randomly into RAM
Other : यादृच्छिकता से Ex: Activity is scattered randomly over the 24 hours of the day
Randomly ki paribhasha : adhikata se sindh nadi par ek chhota nagar jahaaan praachin takshaashila ka hona anumaan kiya jaata hai
ExamplesUsage of Randomly in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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