Rank meaning in hindi
As noun : अंतर्दधन Ex: This rank grass is likely to produce many weeds.
अग्रसख्या Ex: Ruchika morosely accepted her second rank in class. अति उर्वर Ex: Any one can find out his rank because of the ribbon,he wears on the jacket. अति वर्धित Ex: He wears the flash of his rank at all functions. अतिमात्र Ex: You should not eat rank meat. अधिक मात्रा मे उपज Ex: The winner was a rank outsider. अबली Ex: The Nepōhualtzintzin amounted to the rank from 10 to the 18 in floating point अभावरी Ex: By 1961, he had risen to the rank of captain. आलयम Ex: He rose to the rank of colonel and chief of staff of the armed forces उपहंत Ex: Taky Kimura holds a 5th rank in Jun Fan Gung Fu. उलटन Ex: Ted Wong holds 2nd rank in Lee's Jeet Kune Do. उवठान Ex: He joined the Cuban Liberation Army and was given the rank of General. ओहदा देना Ex: Students at the Naval Academy are referred to by their military rank . क्रम Ex: The survey used six key criteria to rank jobs: environment उ: इस क्रम में उनका रंग रूप बदल जाता है। क्रमबद्ध करना Ex: Loss of rank can happen gradually or suddenly. गड्डरिका Ex: The Ministry is headed by a cabinet rank Railways Minister गैरसाल Ex: Constantine continued to rise in rank घासवाला Ex: It was probably raised to the rank of a separate province by Septimius Severus घुमनि Ex: In 1983, Mobutu promoted himself to the rank of Field Marshal. चरचर Ex: Georgia, eventually reaching the rank of captain. चलवाई Ex: Below the rank of species he sometimes recognized taxa of a lower rank . चिंतावेश्म Ex: Twenty-nine of its graduates reached the rank of general. चुथाई Ex: They had to be of the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel or Post-Captain. चुवावनि Ex: GCBs must hold the rank of Rear Admiral, Major General or Air Vice Marshal. चुसनि Ex: KCBs must hold the rank of Captain in the Navy चोथाई Ex: CBs must be of the rank of Lieutenant Commander जत्था Ex: Lightfoot was promoted to the rank of Companion. जथ Ex: MPs rank immediately below senators in the order of precedence. जागाहपु Ex: Bernard who was a second rank in chess ability. जिलादरी Ex: He first joined the Japanese sponsored police force at the rank of keibuho जीवनतल Ex: Suharto was promoted to the rank of Major and became Battalion X's leader. झूलनि Ex: Sukarno promoted Suharto to the rank of Lieutenant General. टुकडी़ Ex: Plamen Slavov, Kiril Sirakov and Sergey Moreyko rank as world-class wrestlers. ठट्ट Ex: In 1871, Otto von Bismarck was raised to the rank of Fürst von Bismarck. ठह Ex: Kirk achieved the rank of Rear Admiral ठहियाँ Ex: Some paintings by Picasso rank among the most expensive paintings in the world. ठही Ex: The highest non-noble rank was ठाँउँ, ठाँऊँ Ex: To standardize compensation, each rank is assigned a pay grade. ठाँम Ex: The following tables list the rank ठाँयँ Ex: Non-commissioned officers are addressed by rank and last name. ठामपु Ex: A minimum level of achievement is set for each rank level, including officers. ठारपु Ex: The third in rank are those of mixed heritage ठाव Ex: Soon after the marriage, he received an official rank of podstoli koronny. ठिन Ex: See these words to their alphabetical rank ठोड Ex: A man of your rank should only give good examples ठौहर Ex: A person of your rank डड़ीच Ex: Acknowledge to God, to the rank of gods डिवीजन Ex: Adjective ordinal, one who used to mark an order, rank as the first, tenth, hundredth, thousandth उ: यह भोपाल डिवीजन के अंतर्गत आता है। तंत्रिमुख Ex: Aisle baluster, balusters rank between two columns or pedestals तथाभाव Ex: alphabetical his rank थंड Ex: alphabetical word to his rank थहण Ex: Assign the rank that a person or thing must occupy थाँण Ex: be stripped of his rank थाय Ex: Break one sergeant, one corporal, Depriving them of their rank and reduce the condition privates दारोगाई Ex: Down one level down a level, down one rank, of any rank to rank, at one grade lower दूषित Ex: Each of them walking according to his rank, his rank उ: शरीरगत् अन्य धातु आदि तत्व इन्हे दोषों के द्वारा दूषित होता है। देवभवन Ex: Exit rank दोपल Ex: Field Marshal, the highest military rank in some European armies धराव Ex: Fit in rank is said generally of Someone who rises to a higher degree, in his condition, his duties, his job etc धिष्णय Ex: general officer whose rank is immediately below that of Vice Admiral पंकत Ex: He earned his promotion to the rank of Officer of the Legion of Honour पंक्ति Ex: He said specifically in career jobs of Action in rank and get paid more उ: लोगो की प्रेरणादायी पंक्ति ‘आएं और खेलें’ है। पंटलि Ex: He was promoted to a higher rank पंडी Ex: He was received with all the honors due to his rank पद वितरण करना Ex: In military terms, Compagnie Off rank पद Ex: In some meetings, the representatives held the rank of those they represent उ: वे इस पद पर २५ साल तक बने रहे। पदस्थ होना Ex: In terms of procedure, Enter order among other creditors, be in the order of those that must be paid by rank mortgage or पद् Ex: In terms Procedure, creditors These come in order concurrently, they are at the same rank परसनि Ex: In the sea army, Lieutenant, Officer whose rank is immediately below that of Lieutenant Commander परिपक्वावस्था Ex: It also refers to the Order, the rank in which each creditor is subordinate to पोजीशन Ex: It also said some officers who, without have Regiment, have the rank of colonel उ: इस पोजीशन को कभी-कभी रिवर्स काउगर्ल पोजीशन भी कहा जाता है। पोजीशन Ex: It also said some officers who, without have Regiment, have the rank of colonel उ: इस पोजीशन को कभी-कभी रिवर्स काउगर्ल पोजीशन भी कहा जाता है। प्रकृथित Ex: It Brigadier formerly called the armies of King an officer whose rank was holding the middle between those of colonel and brigadier प्रचर्या Ex: It is also used to mark a Certain graduated division or rank to be given to certain persons or things according to their importance or price प्रतिश्ठित समाज Ex: It is an officer of the rank out प्रदिपद् Ex: It is mainly used when it comes to the military, and especially soldiers or officers below the rank of प्रदिपद् Ex: It is mainly used when it comes to the military, and especially soldiers or officers below the rank of फरहरनि Ex: It means someone by extension Place the rank which according to him should merit फेरनि Ex: It meant yet Place, rank फौज़ मे मामूली सैनिक Ex: It occupies a distinguished rank in society बदबूदार Ex: It s 'stopped during the procession walked, and he lost his rank बसबास Ex: It says substantively the same men and provided the same rank in the state बाजनि Ex: It was subordinate useful in due rank बिघनता Ex: KEEP be said of the Order which persons or things are placed, the rank they occupy, either in fact or in the opinion of men बिसधा Ex: Keep his rank मंडलिका Ex: Keep his rank मन्डली Ex: Lieutenant Colonel, Officer who has the rank immediately below that of Colonel मलन Ex: Mecca is said to rank high मानचिन्ह Ex: Midshipman, He who holds the rank below that of the sign मुखतारकारी Ex: Military a lower rank of lieutenant and above that of corporal or sergeant यथाज्येष्ठ Ex: Minister Resident Agent Diplomatic rank immediately below that of Minister Plenipotentiary accredited in a small country यथारीति सज्जित करना Ex: Naval officer whose rank corresponds to that of General division in the Army रूषित Ex: or square Fourth Kind, the one that the player has in hand when returning the card is equal rank the three that make up his set लसनि Ex: ordinal of both genders Who holds the rank marked by the number thousand लोकयात्रा Ex: ordinal of both genders Who percent compared to the order, rank वजीरा Ex: Out of his rank वर्गणा Ex: Outside the city, Outside rank विंजोलि, विंजोली Ex: PARTICULAR is also used as a noun and means a private person, as opposed either to A company, or a public person or a very high rank विंजोलि, विंजोली Ex: PARTICULAR is also used as a noun and means a private person, as opposed either to A company, or a public person or a very high rank विंटक Ex: prepositional Among the rank विन्यय Ex: promotion to the rank of admiral वृद्धक्रम Ex: RANGER also means Putting the number, to the rank वेढ Ex: rank size stones which poses horizontally to build a wall व्यवहारस्थान Ex: Rather respects his rank as himself व्य़ुपरम Ex: Resume rank शब्दी Ex: Retain a cause also means to maintain the role to be dealt to his rank without within शय्यागृह Ex: scarf worn by those in the Legion of Honour Grand Cross rank शालिकी Ex: SECOND also works as a male name and is called the One who holds the second rank in ranked in a hierarchy, etc श्रेणि Ex: See that word its alphabetical rank श्रेणी Ex: See that word to its alphabetic rank उ: ये श्रेणी जैन धर्म के लिये है । श्रेणीबद्ध करना Ex: See that word to its alphabetical rank सन्निवेश Ex: See that word to its alphabetical rank सफीफ Ex: See that word to its alphabetical rank समवस्था Ex: See that word to its alphabetical rank समश्रेणि Ex: See that word to its alphabetical rank समादर करना Ex: See that word to its alphabetical rank सम्पूर्ण Ex: See that word to its alphabetical rank उ: विष्णु का सम्पूर्ण स्वरूप ज्ञानात्मक है। साधारण सैनिक Ex: See that word to its alphabetical rank साष्टिता Ex: See that word to its alphabetical rank सिताँ Ex: See that word to its alphabetical rank सिरिश्तेदारी Ex: See that word to its alphabetical rank सुरराजता Ex: See that word to its alphabetical rank सेणि Ex: See that word to its alphabetical rank सोहनाइत ‡ Ex: See that word to its alphabetical rank स्टैंडर्ड Ex: See that word to its alphabetical rank स्थान पाना Ex: See that word to its alphabetical rank स्थान प्रदान करना Ex: See that word to its alphabetical rank स्थान Ex: See that word to its alphabetical rank उ: कृषि के स्थान पर पशुपालन बढ़ता जाता है। स्थानपाल Ex: See that word to its alphabetical rank स्थानाश्रय Ex: See these words to their alphabetical rank स्थाम Ex: See this expression to its alphabetical rank स्थिति Ex: See this word to its alphabetical rank उ: पित्त हृदय पर स्थिति श्लेष्मा को दूर करता है। स्रैनी Ex: See this word to its alphabetical rank स्ववार्त Ex: See what word made its alphabetical rank हँसावनि Ex: See what word to his rank Alphabetic हस्तविन्यास Ex: Service Letter, Letter by which the War Minister announced that an officer is required to perform the duties of her rank or special functions हुद्दा ‡ Ex: Supporting his rank हौश Ex: Take ranking , lose his rank
As verb : किसी विषेश श्रेणी मे आना Ex: If a pawn moves to its last rank पद मे ऊँचा होना Ex: He will be received in a manner suitable to his rank विशेष श्रेणी मे रखना Ex: Put in a certain order in a certain rank
Other : आवली Ex: Taxis are available from hotels and a taxi rank on Presidential Way आस्पद Ex: The lower seats were reserved for persons of rank उच्च पद रखना Ex: Life peers with seats in the House of Lords rank only as barons or baronesses उत्कृष्ट पद रखना Ex: Inosanto holds the 3rd rank directly from Bruce Lee in Jeet Kune Do उपाधि Ex: James Yimm Lee held a 3rd rank in Jun Fan Gung Fu. उ: काशी में की उपाधि मिली थी। ओहदा Ex: The rank system comprises कक्षा Ex: Virginia has seventeen total companies, making it rank tenth nationwide. उ: इसकी कक्षा मामूली झुकी हुई और अत्यधिक चपटी है। कडुआ Ex: A great deal of historical writing can still rank as literature कतरा लगाना Ex: The Pandyas in the south had risen to the rank of a great power. कतरा Ex: Brock purchased the rank of Lieutenant Colonel कतार Ex: Qg5 means "queen moves to the g-file and 5th rank . उ: इन पाठ्यक्रमों में मुंहमांगी रकम देने वालों की कतार लगी रहती है। कोटि Ex: In order to rank players उ: आज पत्रसंपादन वास्तव में उच्च कोटि की कला है। क़तार Ex: California fifteen months later, he held the same rank there. गन्धैला Ex: They were to hold the rank of baron for life छांटना Ex: Points are used to rank the teams within a group. जरखेज Ex: Note that the card's numerical rank is of sole importance तेज गन्ध का Ex: alphabetical rank दरजा Ex: Captain, Senior Officer of the Navy, with the rank of colonel दर्जा Ex: Develop rank among Put उ: इनका दर्जा लगभग भारत के प्रान्तों जैसा है। पंक्ति बांधना Ex: He is the son of his works, said of a man who has only his merit his fortune The repute, the rank he occupies पदवी Ex: In terms of procedure, Enter order among other creditors, be in the order of those that must be paid by rank mortgage or उ: सोमेश्वर ने प्रतापलंकेश्वर की पदवी धारण की। बहुत ज्यादा Ex: It takes a considerable rank मरतबा Ex: Lieutenant general of the king's armies, or simply Lieutenant General, Officer which occupied the second rank in the armed मर्यादा Ex: Lieutenant, captain rank of naval officer उ: तुलसी के राम मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम तथा आदर्शों के संस्थापक हैं। रुतबा Ex: or indicating that either the people or things follow or rank after other रैंक Ex: ordinal of both genders who holds the rank marked by the number of one million उ: फ़रवरी २०११ में अलेक्सा पर इसकी रैंक २९५ थी। श्रेष्ठता Ex: See that word to its alphabetical rank हिस्सा Ex: Speaking outside his rank उ: १५ जुलाई - अल्जीरिया अरब लीग का हिस्सा बना।
Rank ki paribhasha : yooth ek prakaar ki badi naav jisamen maaanjhi khade hokar daand chalaate hain utani vastu jisani kuchh adhik vastu men se alag ki jaay ek hi prakaar ki anek vastuon ka samooh aisa samooh jisamen bahut si visheshataः ek hi ya ek hi prakaar ki vastuean ek doosare ke uparaant ek sidh men hon vastuon ya kaaryon ke paraspar aage pichhe aadi hone ka niyam vah avakaash jisamen koi chij rah sake
ExamplesUsage of Rank in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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