Rare meaning in hindi
As noun : अधपका Ex: This is a rare live performace of Lata Mangeshkar.
गददर Ex: Vincent Van Gogh was an artist of rare accomplishment.
As adjective : अन्यासाधरण Ex: On rare occassions, she dressed up. असामान्य Ex: He is a knowing collector of rare books.
It was a knowing attempt to defraud.
She gave me a knowing look when I mentioned about him. उ: यह एक असामान्य बाद के समय के रोम का गिरजाघर है। असुलभ Ex: pewits are becoming rare these days. जनतिग Ex: I haven't had a rare old time like that in years . दुर्लभ Ex: Copper/tin ores are rare उ: मूर्ति दुर्लभ पत्थर से बना है। दुलह Ex: Snow is rare but as recently as August 2006 it snowed in the city निराला Ex: Defeats of Government Bills are extremely rare उ: निराला की साहित्य साधना तीन खंडों में लिखी गई है। लाकसीमातिवर्ती Ex: True all-rounders are rare लोकातिशय Ex: There are also some very rare battery-powered locomotives
It was a knowing attempt to defraud.
She gave me a knowing look when I mentioned about him. उ: यह एक असामान्य बाद के समय के रोम का गिरजाघर है। असुलभ Ex: pewits are becoming rare these days. जनतिग Ex: I haven't had a rare old time like that in years . दुर्लभ Ex: Copper/tin ores are rare उ: मूर्ति दुर्लभ पत्थर से बना है। दुलह Ex: Snow is rare but as recently as August 2006 it snowed in the city निराला Ex: Defeats of Government Bills are extremely rare उ: निराला की साहित्य साधना तीन खंडों में लिखी गई है। लाकसीमातिवर्ती Ex: True all-rounders are rare लोकातिशय Ex: There are also some very rare battery-powered locomotives
Other : अप्राप्य Ex: He has a huge collection of rare books in his library. उ: इन्होंने गौरलीला पर एक काव्य लिखा था पर वह अप्राप्य है। अलभ्य Ex: Leather puppetry is an art form of rare skill. छेददार Ex: We had a rare old time at Tom's the other night . जो घना न हो Ex: Convictions are rare to nonexistent. फैला हुआ Ex: Impeachments are now rare बहुमूल्य Ex: A rare Abwehr Enigma machine उ: इस देश का एक विस्तृत भाग बहुमूल्य वनों से आच्छादित है। बिरला Ex: Large conflagrations are rare but have occurred in the past. उ: श्री गंगा प्रसाद बिरला इस परिषद के अध्यक्ष हैं। विरल Ex: On very rare occasions उ: विरल मृद धातुएँ ऐलम नहीं बनती। विरला Ex: Regional political parties are also rare उ: यह काफ़ी विरला होने वाला कर्कट रोग है और इसका अध्ययन अभी भी हो रहा है।
Rare ki paribhasha : jisaka doosara daavedaar na ho chhoti raani suruchi se utpann raaja uttaanapaad ka putr jisake jod ka doosara na ho
ExamplesUsage of Rare in sentences
The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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