Raw meaning in hindi
As noun : अजननी Ex: A raw hand in a factory doesnt suit at all.
अधकचरा Ex: Procurement of raw material for the factory is his responsibility. अधूरा Ex: She f lopped down the raw meat . उ: इन वार्तिकों के बिना पाणिनीय व्याकरण अधूरा सा रहा जाता। अनभ्यस्त Ex: Bill says he sleeps in the raw . अनभ्यासित Ex: I never ate raw oysters before . अनलँकृत Ex: Rockefeller may ultimately be remembered simply for the raw size of his wealth. अनिर्मित Ex: An impressive network of pipelines send raw product to Bahia Blanca अनुभवहीन Ex: The Saints also recalled the raw live sound of the British Pretty Things अपक्ति Ex: Dried tofu is usually not eaten raw अपक्व Ex: Petroleum is also the raw material for many chemical products उ: इसलिए इसे अपक्व और जापानी कपूर को पक्व कर्पूर कहा गया हे। अपरिपक्व Ex: The raw rice may be ground into flour for many uses उ: भ्रूण के विकास के दौरान एक अपरिपक्व हाइमेन बनता है। अपरिष्कृत Ex: Bulk raw rice density is about 0.9 g/cm³. अवोद Ex: Certain cultures highlight animal and vegetable foods in their raw state. अश्रृत Ex: Sushi in Japan is one such cuisine that features raw sliced fish असंपूर्ण Ex: Photosynthesis used the plentiful carbon dioxide and water as raw materials and असमग्र Ex: Laterite and clay were the main raw material used in its construction. अस्विन्न Ex: The exact components of raw milk varies by species इदानींतन Ex: When raw milk is left standing for a while, it turns "sour". औनापौना Ex: Other local taxes levied include raw fish taxes कच्चा घाव Ex: The same holds true about every other mineral and biological raw resource. काषण Ex: Ice sculpture is a form of sculpture that uses ice as the raw material. गैरमुकम्मल Ex: Young ears can be consumed raw चमड़ा उधेड़ा हुआ Ex: Both start with the raw materials in solid form. ठंढ Ex: They are used raw or cooked as tamago in sushi. उ: यहाँ न अधिक ठंढ होती है और न अधिक गरमी। त्वग्विदारित Ex: The fiercely confident Ayla dwells in 65,000,000 B.C. Unmatched in raw strength नम Ex: In exchange for its luxury imports and raw materials उ: नम तथा मुलायम, जिसमें जल की मात्रा अधिक रहती है। नया Ex: The raw materials are present in their surroundings . उ: नया गुड़ अग्निकारक है। प्रतिनव Ex: The cloth and other raw materials cost him Rs 70 per shirt . शलाटु Ex: of Forestry who was grazed by livestock, Speaking of raw wood shoots शीत Ex: The instinct that takes place due to the raw उ: शीत काल में हुई वर्षा को महावट कहते हैं। साद्य Ex: Who keeps the raw सामि सावशेष सीउ स्तिमित हादिस
As adjective : अदक्ष Ex: in the raw अधकचरा Ex: Procurement of raw material for the factory is his responsibility. अनरीति Ex: You sure had a raw deal . अनाडी़ Ex: This raw material is shown below as fluorapatite अनिष्ण Ex: The use of the rubber cones led to a rather raw and bumpy ride अनुचित व्यवहार Ex: Bananas can be eaten raw though some varieties are generally cooked first. अप्रवीन Ex: The detector generates unmanageably large amounts of raw data अश्रृत Ex: Sushi in Japan is one such cuisine that features raw sliced fish असिद्ध Ex: The sound was raw but the arrangements were sophisticated. कचा Ex: Colonies constituted not only sources of supply for raw materials कच्चा Ex: Once primarily a producer of raw materials उ: कच्चा लोहा ट्रैसिलबेनिया में मिलता है। कच्चे आँकड़े Ex: Yet this vast increase in raw numbers also diluted the overall troop quality कमरंद Ex: Although hashish is sometimes eaten raw or mixed with water कषण Ex: The physical and magnetic properties of the product depend on the raw materials काँची Ex: Vegetables are often eaten raw or pickled as well as cooked. उ: इसने पाण्डयनरेश को हराकर काँची को जीता। काच्या Ex: After the raw salt is obtained कारवी Ex: Finland depends on imports of raw materials काषण Ex: Ice sculpture is a form of sculpture that uses ice as the raw material. प्राकृतिक स्थिति मे Ex: Crops also supply raw materials for agro based industries . वस्त्रहीन Ex: Making laws against the export of raw materials, against grain exports शलाटु Ex: of Forestry who was grazed by livestock, Speaking of raw wood shoots
Other : असंस्कृत Ex: Japan depends on other nations for most of its raw materials कश Ex: The city exports raw materials such as wood खालिस Ex: Commercial raw cream butter is virtually unheard-of in the United States. छिला हुआ Ex: They can also be eaten raw फूहड़ Ex: Elephant Teeth raw ivory बच्चा Ex: He said specifically of Operation aimed to remove the coloring material flax, hemp, cotton, raw wax, tallow, etc उ: एक दिन का बच्चा घूमने फिरने लगता है। बिना उबाला या भुना हुआ Ex: In industry and commerce, raw materials, before they Materials are implemented बिना बनाया हुआ Ex: In terms of jewelery, it is mainly used in the plural and refers raw emeralds which are sold by weight बे पका हुआ Ex: It also means Putting salt on raw meat, fish to preserve them from corruption and maintain long बे बुना हुआ Ex: It is said to similar effect Crude wood, a raw piece of wood, Let has not implemented
Raw ki paribhasha : pr jo kisi kaary ko suchaarou roop se na kar sake jo kaat chhaaantakar durust na kiya gaya ho ek prakaar ka bad aur ooancha vraksh jisaki lakadi bahut majaboot hoti hai aur praaya: imaarat ke kaam men aati hain jisaka sngathana, srajana, aavishkaar ya aavirbhaav bahut haal men hua ho door door par pad hua taage ka vah dobh jisapar daraji bakhiya karate hain
ExamplesUsage of Raw in sentences
The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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