Reach meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Reach
As noun : अधिकृत करना Ex:  To reach manhood.
He is always on the look out to prove his manhood.
आकाशमूली Ex:  Insecticide should be kept out of reach of children. आसादन Ex:  To reach the city you have to follow markers on this road.
Before entering the city, the road follows along the sea.
उपकिरण Ex:  The two parties do not seem to reach an amicable settlement. कबू मेँ लाना Ex:  The Indo-Pak talks failed to reach an agreement. काबू मेँ लाना Ex:  I shall choose a goal that is not out of reach . कुर्ब्बि Ex:  I need to reach out more and meet people . गोनी Ex:  Abalones reach maturity at a relatively small size. चियारना Ex:  It appears that people rarely if ever reach stage six of Kohlberg's model. चौडा़ना Ex:  To reach Sewell's Point from Suffolk छुरण Ex:  The metro population is expected to reach 5.12 million by 2020. . जिहान Ex:  Supersonic aircraft can reach speeds faster than sound. तक पहुँचना Ex:  While it is not common for temperatures to reach over 100 °F in North Carolina तसीलना Ex:  Some have been known to reach up to 23 kg due to overfeeding. धुजाना Ex:  Court failed to reach the quarterfinals only once पझर Ex:  Court failed to reach the quarterfinals only once परिगम Ex:  The messenger, however, does not reach Romeo. पहुँच्ना Ex:  France finished fourth, while Wales failed to reach the semi-finals. पह्ँउचना Ex:  Along the California-Arizona reach of the river पह्ँउचनाईना Ex:  It threatened but did not reach पह्ँउचाना Ex:  The dam will reach its maximum capacity by the end of 2008. When finished पाट Ex:  Summer temperatures in the area can reach 40°C during the summer उ:   इस नदी का पाट बहुत बड़ा है। पाना Ex:  In order to reach some of the small villages in these mountains उ:   वर्तमान में इस सुरंग में प्रवेश कर पाना बहुत कठिन है। पिस्तरना Ex:  However, the question of how populations reach those points remains open. प्रचारान Ex:  It took ships about three weeks to reach the island from the Netherlands. प्रतित Ex:  Senators may serve until they reach the age of seventy-five. प्रतिस्फलन Ex:  Callas and the Met could not reach an agreement प्रविस्तर, प्रविस्तार Ex:  Developers may use publishers to reach larger or foreign markets प्राप्त करना Ex:  At the time, he was the second youngest player to reach that plateau. फराल Ex:  Should these reach capacity फरालन ‡ Ex:  Women generally reach menopause in their late 40s or early 50s फैलाना Ex:  Maseru and surrounding lowlands often reach 30 °C in summer. फैलाव Ex:  If the levels of these two pollutants reach critical levels उ:   ड्यूक विश्वविद्यालय का फैलाव है, लेकिन वे सन्निहित नहीं हैं। बगारो Ex:  Some other supermarket chains also reach high success in Hanoi बिटालना Ex:  Their writings, however, did not reach the majority of the European population. बिस्तरना Ex:  In the nine tournaments that she failed to reach the final बिस्तार Ex:  King did not reach a tournament final during the remainder of the year लाति Ex:  At their extent, some necks modified like this can reach 10-15 inches long लाधनापु Ex:  Since in Theravada Buddhism only monks can reach Nirvana वजाहत Ex:  Allison re-strengthened to reach winds of 45 mph वश मेँ लाना Ex:  We will reach out to the stars". विकीरन Ex:  The northeastern parts reach into the Pannonian basin विप्रसारण Ex:  He went on to reach the quarterfinals on that occasion. विवार Ex:  2000 also saw Agassi reach the semifinals at Wimbledon विस्तारता Ex:  Once a city sprawls far enough to reach another city संप्रसारण Ex:  But summer temperatures in other regions reach +36.. समतल भाग Ex:  Its two channels reach more or less the entire country. समासादन Ex:  In an attempt to reach a wider audience समुन्मीलन Ex:  Temperatures seldom reach 30 °C during summer सिद्ध करना Ex:  Most texts remained beyond the reach of would-be decipherers until 1958 हाथ आना Ex:  Jacob crossed it and its tributary, the Jabbok , in order to reach Haran . फैलना बढना
As verb : उपाप्ति Ex:  Alpha Phi Alpha asserts that through its community outreach initiatives गमि Ex:  Please reach this cold drink up to your brother . धराव Ex:  Unable to reach the palace पइस Ex:  Court failed to reach the quarterfinals only once पथिन् Ex:  Court failed to reach the quarterfinals only once पहुँच के अन्दर Ex:  In northern Louisiana, the temperatures reach above 105 °F in the summer. पहुँच Ex:  Hendley pitched a one-hitter and allowed only two batters to reach base. उ:   वह कलकत्ता पहुँच जाता है। पहोंच ‡ Ex:  By the end of the century, the population would reach 12.4 million. प्रपदन Ex:  The first French explorer to reach Quebec was Jacques Cartier फैला होना Ex:  Blue Whales can reach speeds of 50 km/h over short bursts बाणगोचर Ex:  But the long days of summer can allow these vegetables to reach record size. बाणापात Ex:  Dewpoints can reach above 25 degrees Celsius in the summer. बारयाबी Ex:  To reach emergency radio operators in storm ravaged areas रसूख Ex:  Wind speeds on Saturn can reach 1,800 km/h रुसख Ex:  It would take two months for the government to reach the capital समुपस्था, समुपस्थान Ex:  But it also meant that passengers had to travel further to reach their plane.
As transitive verb : पहुँचाना
As intransitive verb : पहुँचना
Other : आ जाना Ex:  We clambered over the rocks to reach the temple. आगे बढ़ाना Ex:  Out of all the starters only four could reach their destination. घुसना Ex:  They offered many competing methods to reach the goal. पहुंचना Ex:  This service was extended to Detroit with plans to reach Chicago. पहुंचाना Ex:  Temperatures may often reach 30 °C in the summer. उ:   उनकी संख्या कम थी, वे भी नुकसान पहुंचाना शुरू कर देते हैं। पैठना Ex:  They then covered 22 miles overland to reach help at Stromness whaling station. मालूम करना Ex:  King failed to reach the quarterfinals only once रीच (Or River Ex:  Krill can reach speeds of over 60 cm/s. हासिल पाना Ex:  By 2050 the population is expected to reach approximately 20.2 million.
Reach ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ke bhitar ya bich men jaana kisi baat ko achchhi tarah jaan lena kisi vastu par se apana svatv hataakar usapar doosare ka svatv sthaapit karana kuchh vegapoorvak athava dusare ki ichchha ka virodh karate hue andar jaana ek sthaan se chalakara, doosare sthaan men prastut ya praapt hona kisi sthaan tak apane ko le jaane ki kriya ya shakti lagaataar sthaan ghiravaana jise paane ka hak ho kisi vastu ya vyakti ko ek sthaan se le jaakar doosare sthaan par praapt ya prastut karana
Usage of Reach in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb, transitive verb or intransitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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