Reading meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Reading
As noun : अध्ययन Ex:  indiscriminate reading habits उ:   यही उपनिषद् के अध्ययन तथा मनन की अवस्था थी।
अध्येंन Ex:  his main reading was detective stories किसी मीटर डायल आदि द्वारा चिह्नित संख्या Ex:  responsive reading निपठ, निपठन Ex:  After reading returned the book to the shelf. पठन Ex:  I am reading a weekly. उ:   इनन दोनों ग्रंथों का पठन पाठन अत्यधिक है। पठि Ex:  She looked up from her reading and spoke to us . पाठ्यांक Ex:  Similarly, the reading of newspapers, magazines and letters is not allowed. उ:   यही पाठ्यांक प्रकुंचन रक्तचाप होता है। वचनव्यक्ति Ex:  Even as Fielding was reading and enjoying Clarissa वाचन पठन Ex:  A reading of 1.61–1.65 has been taken from rare single crystals. वाचन Ex:  Starship Troopers is on the reading lists of the United States Army उ:   अर्थात पहला वाचन, दूसरा वाचन और तीसरा वाचन। विद्यानुपालन Ex:  This reading is based on the "inner chapters" of the self-titled Zhuangzi. विद्याव्यसन Ex:  For Asimov's suggested reading order, see the Foundation Series list of books. वैयाख्य Ex:  After reading Fantasmagoriana व्याख्या Ex:  Classes were held in teachers' private houses and included reading उ:   अन्य विद्वानों ने इस व्याख्या को सही नहीं माना। संकथन Ex:  Heavily influenced by Kerouac's reading of Thomas Wolfe संचु Ex:  After reading of the Somerset case समाख्यान Ex:  It was made required reading for German students.
Other : पढना Ex:  Rasheeda sat reading the newspaper . पढाई Ex:  Tesla engaged in reading many works उ:   उन्होंने प्रबंधशास्त्र में स्नातक की पढाई की है। पढे जाने का ढंग Ex:  Many Taoists also participated in the reading and writing of books. पढ‌़ना Ex:  Most of Anne's time was spent reading and studying पाठ Ex:  This Chinese-derived reading is known as उ:   तत्वसमाससूत्र' में भी ऐसा ही पाठ मिलता है। पाठन Ex:  This Japanese-derived reading is known as . उ:   कागज का आविष्कार होने से लेखन और पठन पाठन का मार्ग प्रशस्त हो गया। पढ़े जाने का ढंग Ex:  But that didn't stop all of educated France from reading them. बांचना Ex:  When reading Watchmen वाचन पाठ Ex:  ” The problem on this way of reading Hume साहित्यिक ज्ञान Ex:  When reading one line
Reading ki paribhasha : kisi pustak visheshataः dharmapustak ko niyamapoorvak padhane ki kriya ya bhaav manushy ke hraday ka aashay jo shabd se prakat ho vah vaaky aadi jo kisi jatil pad ya vaaky aadi ka arth spasht karata ho braahmaanon ke shatkarmo men se ek karm
Usage of Reading in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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