Reasoning meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Reasoning
As noun : गुफ्तोशनीद Ex:  His theory holds that moral reasoning
तर्क वितर्क Ex:  By a similar reasoning तर्क संबंधी Ex:  This reasoning was conditioned by Russia's historical experiences तर्कबुद्धि Ex:  His reasoning was that males had taller तर्कसम्गत विचार् Ex:  The two sorts are: Demonstrative reasoning Probable reasoning With regards to तर्क् Ex:  A further criticism is that there are more types of reasoning than Hume allows
Other : ऊह Ex:  deductive reasoning तर्क Ex:  Deductive reasoning concerns what follows necessarily from given premises. उ:   यह आरक्षण के पक्ष में कोई तर्क नहीं है। तर्कना Ex:  In both his philosophical and theological reasoning विचार Ex:  Demonstrative reasoning cannot do this उ:   नौकरी करने का विचार उन्होंने त्याग दिया। विचारण Ex:  But probable reasoning विचारणा Ex:  The same reasoning explains why protons वितर्क Ex:  didactic reasoning that cantilevered विवाद Ex:  Discuss subtly reasoning उ:   शिमुक की तिथि के विषय में विवाद है ।
Reasoning ki paribhasha : kisi baat ya vastu par jabaani jhagad kisi vastu ke vishay men aagyaat ttav ko kaaranopapatti dvaara nishchit karanevaali ukti ya vichaar
Usage of Reasoning in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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