Recall meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Recall
As noun : अपावर्त्तन Ex:  Try to recall the information from your brain.
चीतारना Ex:  Following a product recall and a reissue with a new motherboard चेत Ex:  Several locations and street names in Greenock recall him फिर से बुलाहट Ex:  Also said of stones that recall the figure of some being or some object याद करना Ex:  Get the recall of a banned वापस बुलाना Ex:  Name added to the proper name of a person or family and designates some quality or recall any circumstances Particular वापस लेना Ex:  recall was asked about वापसी Ex:  Remembering something, the recall in his memory उ:   वापसी पर निवेश की गणना करने के लिए मुश्किल है। संभारना Ex:  Renew remember a thing In memory recall सिमरन Ex:  The presentation of the Virgin Festival that celebrates Catholic Church on November 21 in honor of the Virgin and to recall that it was presented in the Temple स्मरण Ex:  , This does not rejuvenates us, says When people recall past events which they already attended उ:   स्मरण शक्ति एवं विचार शक्ति बढ़ती है। स्मार
As verb : पूर्वप्रज्ञा Ex:  Callas would later recall फिर बुलाना Ex:  Let us recall their key features . याद आना Ex:  Faculty retain and recall the need of ideas, images and prior statements याददाश्त Ex:  Introduction Letter, Letter by which ad to someone visiting the person who brings the letter and by which one seeks a good home for this person recall उ:   उन्हें यह पता लगा कि वो अपनी याददाश्त खो गया है। रद्द करना Ex:  It said, in an analogous sense, speaking of things that recall some pleasant memories and generally Everything was to be welcomed स्मरणपत्रक
Other : उलट देना Ex:  Blaine's request to recall General Ewing was never acted upon खण्डन करना Ex:  Wilhelm was persuaded to recall Bismarck to Prussia on the advice of Roon. खण्डन Ex:  Rickey would later recall that the Phillies' manager पुन-स्मरण Ex:  Later, Darwin could only recall one review प्रत्यानयन करना Ex:  He did not clearly recall what happened next प्रत्यावर्तन करना Ex:  Three days after the recall प्रत्यावहन Ex:  "I can't recall the previous time I have been so close to defeat and won. प्रत्याहार Ex:  I recall Victor Moscoso was the only one who warned me उ:   यहाँ प्रत्याहार को पाणिनीय व्याकरण के सन्दर्भ में दिया गया है। प्रत्याह्रान करना Ex:  General Nasution would recall फिर से बुलाना Ex:  Do you recall that India has an area of 2 million sq . मन्सूख करना Ex:  Do not recall much the past स्मरण करना Ex:  and serves as direct object or attribute, to recall a being or something that was discussed
Recall ki paribhasha : yog ke aath angon men se ek ang jisamen indriyon ko unek vishayon se hataakar chitt ka anusaran kiya jaata hai kisi dekhi, suni biti ya anubhav men aayi baat ka phir se man men aana kisi di hui vastu ko phir lene ya li hui vastu ko phir dene ka kaam ya bhaav kisi ghatana ke smaranaarth likha hua lekh
Usage of Recall in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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