Recently meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Recently
As noun : अभी अभी Ex:  he was in Paris recently
As adverb :
हाल ही में Ex:  The economy has been growing most recently at around 3% per year.
Other : अभी Ex:  He recently bought flock cushions. उ:   वह अभी भी चर्च जाती हैं। इधर Ex:  He has been recently bereaved and is off work. उ:   इधर बौने कुरूप पुरूष महादेव की तपस्या करने लगा। थोडे दिन हुए Ex:  He had vasectomy recently थोड़े दिन हुए Ex:  He has recently been fired from his job. नूतन Ex:  He was recently adopted as a government candidate. उ:   नूतन के सौन्दर्य को मिस इंडिया पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया गया। फ़िलहाल Ex:  He has recently been made a Vice Chancellor. सद्यः Ex:  As recently as the 1960s हाल मेँ Ex:  Zenit recently became champions of the Russian Premier League. हाल में Ex:  VoiceOver, was included in Mac OS Tiger and more recently Mac OS Leopard. हाल Ex:  More recently a clade उ:   इसका प्रचार अभी हाल तक बंगाल में रहा है।
Usage of Recently in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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