Receptacle meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Receptacle
Other :
आगार Ex:  Botanical plant that grows in fields, meadows and gardens and bears flowers which lengthens the receptacle after flowering, so as to take the form of a mouse tail आधान Ex:  In terms of anatomy, it refers by analogy the common receptacle or cavity that forms the end of the intestinal canal in birds and reptiles उ:   इसी प्रकार ‘ट्यूबीय वायु आधान में सममिति नहीं रह गई। आधार Ex:  In terms of Botany, he thought of the Party lower petal in which it fits to the receptacle उ:   इसका पदतलीय आधार लगभग १८०० वर्ग किलोमीटर है। आलय Ex:  It also says a receptacle that has a crack, a slot through which the liquid escapes it contains आशय Ex:  Kind Botanical plants whose flowers are formed by a spathe shaped cone rising on a cylindrical receptacle and elongated उ:   मुझे नहीं पता कि मैं अपना आशय पूर्ण कर पाउँगा या नहीं। खान Ex:  This house, this place is the receptacle of vagabonds, thieves, etc उ:   यह फराह खान द्वारा निर्देशित पहली फिल्म है। धानी Ex:  This is the receptacle of all the garbage of all the filth of the city, the house निधान बर्तन (आश्रय रखने का स्थान
Receptacle ki paribhasha : vah vastu jisamen kuchh rakha ja sake vah sthaan jahaaan aakar koi vastu lin ho jaay snpoorn jaati ki ek snkar raagini
Usage of Receptacle in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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