Recipient meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Recipient
As noun : पाने वाला Ex:  He is a MacArthur Fellow and a recipient of the National Book Award
प्राप्तकर्ता Ex:  Bhumibol was a recipient of the Royal Victorian Chain उ:   वह कलैमामणि पुरस्कार की प्राप्तकर्ता भी हैं। लब्धक Ex:  Peter C. Lemon was the only Canadian recipient of the Medal of Honor. लेने वाला Ex:  He was the recipient of many honours.
Other : आदाता Ex:  The people with AB blood group are considered as recipient persons. उ:   एक ड्राफ़्ट ऐसा विनिमय-पत्र है जो आदाता की मांग पर देय नहीं है। आदायी Ex:  Petersburg is Joseph Brodsky, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature . ग्रहण करने वाला Ex:  The European recipient ग्रहीता Ex:  Somalia was the recipient of large amounts of Soviet military aid. पानेवाला Ex:  King became the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize प्राप्तिकर्ता Ex:  The Medal of Honor is often presented personally to the recipient or वासन Ex:  King was the recipient of the 1999 Arthur Ashe Courage Award.
Recipient ki paribhasha : koi paatra, aadhaara, tokaro, sndooka, bartan aadi mitti ya dhaatu aadi ki is prakaar bani vastu ki usamen koi vastu, visheshataः khaane pine ki, rakh saken
Usage of Recipient in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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