Reciprocal meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Reciprocal
As noun : अंतर्बदल Ex:  risk is the reciprocal of safety
अन्योन्यवृत्ति Ex:  Such processes are major concerns within the study of reciprocal altruism पारस्परिक Ex:  It is also said in the reciprocal direction Give the arm, speaking of two people, one has the arm passed through that of the other उ:   इन शासकों का पारस्परिक संबंध अज्ञात है। प्रजाति परिवर्तक संकरण Ex:  It still means Shed, reciprocal communication or sending, especially in the diplomatic language व्युत्क्रम Ex:  prisoner exchange, reciprocal handover of prisoners taken on both sides in the war उ:   समाकलन को अवकलन की व्युत्क्रम संक्रिया की तरह भी समझा जा सकता है।
As adjective : परस्पर का Ex:  didactic reciprocal relationship between two things
Other : अन्योन्य Ex:  There should be reciprocal relationship between parents and children उ:   खगोल-विज्ञान के साथ तो गणित का अन्योन्य सम्बन्ध माना गया है। आपस का Ex:  These enzymes are regulated in a reciprocal fashion आपस Ex:  The effect is reciprocal उ:   बाहुएँ आपस में झिल्ली से जुड़ी होती हैं। आपसी Ex:  Dinosaur popularity has long had a reciprocal effect on dinosaur science उ:   सैकड़ों वर्षों तक हम आपसी लड़ाइयों में उलझे रहे। इतरेतर Ex:  also called Hand Games Action to fight or to be reciprocal moves jokingly दो तरफ Ex:  condition, quality, character of what is reciprocal परस्पर आदान प्रदान करना Ex:  didactic reciprocal relationship between two things परस्पर सम्बद्ध Ex:  Good offices mutual, reciprocal परस्पर Ex:  In terms of logic, reciprocal proposals, Two proposals such as the subject of one can become the attribute of the other and vice versa उ:   होता है जो उन्हें परस्पर सम्बन्धित करती है। बारी बारी का Ex:  Jurisprudence He said some contracts that contain reciprocal obligation between the parties बाहम Ex:  Mutually, in a reciprocal manner
Reciprocal ki paribhasha : vah kaavyaalnkaar jisamen do vastuon ki kisi kriya ya gun ka ek dusare ke kaaran utpann hona varnan kiya jaay nishchit va uchit ka parityaag karana
Usage of Reciprocal in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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