Recognize meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Recognize
As verb : अँगिरना Ex:  The government should recognize the necessity for pollution control.
अएरना Ex:  The United States refused to recognize Red China. अकलना Ex:  There is a peep hole in my front door through which I can recognize visitors who come to my home. अधिकारिक रूप से प्रशंसा करना Ex:  I could recognize him from a distance. अनुप्रज्ञान Ex:  I could recognize his plod anywhere उलेखनापु Ex:  You'll recognize Bill right away . उलेखनापु Ex:  You'll recognize Bill right away . एनडोर्स Ex:  I don't recognize that word . औराना Ex:  You can recognize her easily . किसी राजनैतिक दल के अस्तित्व को स्वीकारना Ex:  Theravada Buddhism does not recognize the authenticity of this council जानना Ex:  Muslims in Djibouti also recognize New Year's Day उ:   तट पर पहुँचकर उन्होंने जानना चाहा वे आत्महत्या क्यों कर रहे थे। ठोहना Ex:  The 21 non-claimant nations either do not recognize the claims of others निबोध Ex:  Today there are dolls that can recognize and identify objects पता लगाना Ex:  Through play with toys infants begin to recognize shapes and colors. परिगम Ex:  Many Brazilian people as well as the Brazilian federal government recognize Fr. पर्यावलोकन Ex:  " Today, legionnaires recognize April 30 as "Cameron Day". पहचानना Ex:  Others did not even recognize it उ:   छापामारों को पहचानना कठिन है। पीछाणना Ex:  The Grihastha Dharma recognize four goals known as the . पैहचानना Ex:  While West Virginians recognize that their state is part of Appalachia प्रकट करना Ex:  Eventually Breuer started to recognize some of the words and wrote them down. प्रत्यवमर्श Ex:  Historians recognize one son of Grand Duke Vytenis मंनना ‡ Ex:  Austria would not recognize France's newly gained territory. मान लेना Ex:  He queried of Demosthenes: "And the born traitor—how shall we recognize him? मानना Ex:  The newly-communist Russia did not recognize the Romanian rule over Bessarabia. उ:   बहुत से इतिहासकार का यह मानना है कि आर्य बाहर से आये थे। मान्यता देना Ex:  Prince of Antioch, to recognize Byzantine suzerainty. व्यंदना Ex:  The monarchies of Europe were reluctant to recognize a republic स्वीकार करना Ex:  Cope refused to recognize the new name created by his archrival Marsh
Other : अभिज्ञात करना Ex:  I couldnt recognize him because he wore an anorak. पहिचानना Ex:  Most Spanish speakers can recognize other Spanish forms प्रस्वीकरण करना Ex:  Some dogs are specially trained to recognize and avoid dangerous situations. फिर देखना Ex:  Galerius refused to recognize Maxentius फिर परीक्षा करना Ex:  Although many countries recognize treaties like the ILO
Recognize ki paribhasha : ek shabd jisaka prayog asvikrati ya nishedh soochit karane ke liye hota hai kisi vastu ki sthiti, guna, kriya ya pranaali ityaadi nirdisht karanevaala bhaav dhaaran karana kisi ko poojya, aadaraniy ya yogy samajhana vastu ya vyakti ke svaroop ko is prakaar jaanana ki vah jab kabhi indriyagochar ho to is baat ka nishchay ho sake ki vah kaun athava kya hai
Usage of Recognize in sentences

The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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