Recollection meaning in hindi
As noun : अभिस्मरण Ex:  Socrates floats the idea that Knowledge is a matter of recollection
कामकृतऋण Ex:  Deep recollection चेत Ex:  Have the recent memory of something, as if in recollection of a newly arrived thing नाष्टिकधन Ex:  I have some recollection of what took place at that time पूर्वप्रज्ञा Ex:  I will do what I can for myself recollection याद Ex:  If recollection of his past sins उ: शंकराचार्य की याद में यहां दो मंदिर बनाए गए हैं। यादाश्त Ex:  recollection is used sometimes as impersonal verb उ: जिससे उनकी यादाश्त अच्छी हो जाती है। वर्चःस्थान Ex:  Remind her memory, recollection Strive to वार्धुषिक Ex:  Tell him that I recommend to me him, I commend myself to your goodness, to his recollection श्रुतिजीविका Ex:  The recollection of spirit समृत Ex:  They met in a day of recollection सर्वामात्य Ex:  , It has no recollection of such a thing, a cold so severe सर्वायी सिमरन सिमृति ‡ सुमृत स्मरण शक्ति स्मरण उ: उसकों फिर से स्मरण कराया था कि मुझे भूलना मत। स्मार स्मृति उ: कुछ की स्मृति में रहते हैं। स्मृतिप्रत्यवमर्श स्मृतिशास्त्र
Other : अभिज्ञा Ex:  To the best of my recollection he was not present in the seminar. उ: बौद्ध धर्म में अभिज्ञा की प्राप्ति धर्म एवं ध्यान से होती है। अभिज्ञान Ex:  I have only a dreamy recollection of her face उद्बोध Ex:  According to one recollection years later चेतना Ex:  I do not have the any recollection of what you said उ: चेतना को दर्शन में स्वयंप्रकाश तत्व माना गया है। चेता Ex:  I have some recollection संस्मृति Ex:  There are evils that one is never healed so well that he remains a recollection सुरति
Recollection ki paribhasha : smaran shakti ke dvaara snchit honevaala gyaan kisi dekhi, suni biti ya anubhav men aayi baat ka phir se man men aana jaisa,— aapaki yaad ki main prashnsa karata hooan
ExamplesUsage of Recollection in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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