Recurrent meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Recurrent
As noun : आवर्ती Ex:  The film contains many recurrent Kubrick motifs उ:   सूखा दुनिया के अधिकांश हिस्सों में जलवायु की आवर्ती विशेषता है।
As adjective :
दौरा करने वाला Ex:  After this he suffered recurrent bouts of mental illness पुनरावर्ती Ex:  Chad remains plagued by political violence and recurrent attempted coups d'état
Other : आवर्त Ex:  She gets recurrent attacks of headache. उ:   यह समूह आवर्त सारणी के एस-ब्लॉक में स्थित है। आवर्तक Ex:  There is no evidence of chronic or recurrent infection with variola virus. पारी का Ex:  Episodes may be isolated or recurrent and categorized as mild, major or severe. बराबर होने वाला Ex:  A recurrent tumor बार बार घटनेवाला Ex:  recurrent sensitivity, sensitivity observed in the anterior roots of the spinal nerves
Recurrent ki paribhasha : yogiyon ke yog men honevaale paaanch prakaar ke vighnon ke se ek prakaar ka vighn ya upasarg pir poorv ki sthiti men aanevaala
Usage of Recurrent in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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