Redeem meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Redeem
As verb : क्षति पूर्ति करना Ex:  Parsifal can heal Amfortas and redeem Kundry because he shows compassion
चुकताना Ex:  Action to redeem चुकाना Ex:  He gave his blood to redeem us उ:   इतना ही नहीं, भारत को क्वात्रोची का कानून खर्च भी चुकाना पड़ा। छिड़ाना Ex:  He wanted to die to redeem men छुड़ा लेना Ex:  If redeem a penalty पुरस्करण Ex:  Jesus Christ took on the most humble appearances to come redeem पूरा करना Ex:  Recover redeem his freedom भजाना Ex:  Sell, buy, deliver, redeem slaves भुगतान करके मुक्त कराना Ex:  To redeem an easement मुंचना मुकलना मुक्काना मुक्त करना मुक्ताना मोक्षण मोचन मोचना संप्रसाधन सकिलाना ‡
Other : दोबारा पाना Ex:  If redeem himself from द्रव्य देकर छुडाना Ex:  in Athens, the slaves had the right to redeem द्रव्य देकर छुड़ाना Ex:  It cost him so much to redeem prosecution exercised against him that निष्क्रयण करना Ex:  It says in the current language of the Action redeem, redeem and the result of this action परित्राण करना Ex:  It was entitled, as a parent, to redeem such legacy प्रतिदान करना Ex:  redeem his freedom through a large ransom प्रायश्चित्त करना Ex:  redeem his sins फिर मोल लेना Ex:  Sale with right of redemption, to redeem condition मुक्ति दिलाना मुक्ति देना मोचन करना विमोचन करना हरजाना
Redeem ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ko aisa karana jisamen vah chhoot jaay vah dhan ya vastu jo kisi ko us nukasaan ke badale men usake dbaara jisase ya jisake kaaran nukasaan pahuancha ho di jaaya, jo use uthaana pad ho aapatti ya kasht men na padne dena
Usage of Redeem in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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