Refrigeration meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Refrigeration
As noun : ठण्डा करना Ex:  Franklin noted a principle of refrigeration by observing that on a very hot day
प्रशीतन Ex:  Refrigerated vessels, where there is a refrigeration system
Other : गरमी की शान्ति Ex:  Before refrigeration was available in China ठण्डक Ex:  Electricity is however a highly practical energy source for refrigeration शान्ति Ex:  substantively, a refrigeration उ:   लज्जा, पुष्टि, तुष्टि, शान्ति और क्षमा भी तुम्हीं हो।
Usage of Refrigeration in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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