Refuge meaning in hindi
As noun : अंतर्निर्भरता Ex: You can take refuge in my house.
अभिसंश्रय Ex: it was luridly described in the book as the place where mystics took refuge अभिसरन Ex: The rabbits took refuge in a hole in the ground . अववाद Ex: Smuts sought refuge in the capital of the South African Republic, Pretoria. आढ़ Ex: Biblically, it was a place of refuge for King David. आश्रय स्थान Ex: Buenos Aires provided refuge for many आश्रय Ex: The three take refuge from the storm in a nearby peasant's home उ: इनके समय में कवियों को राज्य से आश्रय मिला था। उपघ्प Ex: 1.7 million took refuge in neighbouring states उपघ्प Ex: 1.7 million took refuge in neighbouring states ओक्य Ex: Alassane Ouattara took refuge in the French embassy, his home burned down. औलान Ex: The forest is designated as a National Audubon Society wildlife refuge छत्रछाँह Ex: Morocco was a refuge and artistic centre and attracted writers as Paul Bowles छावँ Ex: This time he sought refuge in London. जायपनाह Ex: Jesus took refuge at Jordan in the place John had first baptized . जीवनाधार Ex: A safe refuge टिकोना, टिकौना Ex: By extension, it designates a place that serves as a refuge for the wild beasts थंबन Ex: God is my only refuge थेघ Ex: He did not know where to turn, he found refuge with a friend दारमदार Ex: He found refuge with him, he fled his home धुराधुर Ex: He had taken refuge in a foreign country; the government demanded his extradition पठंगा Ex: He knows where to take refuge पदमूल Ex: He took refuge in that city, in one country पदमूल Ex: He took refuge in that city, in one country परिवारता Ex: In terms of Navy, he means the supply ports of refuge or of wartime ships परिश्रित Ex: It also says a coppice of small extent, planted in a campaign to serve as a refuge for the hares, partridges, etc पीट पठिंगा Ex: It is refuge in a church प्रस्कुंद Ex: It means even if a place of safety, refuge मआज Ex: SE STORING says of Partridge who hunted, take refuge in a field, in a thicket यातायात चक्कर Ex: Search for a refuge वृषय Ex: There are several Crossing refuge in this book वृषय Ex: There are several Crossing refuge in this book व्याश्रय Ex: This place is a refuge for wildlife शरण Ex: TO SAVE stands still go to a place to seek refuge, take refuge उ: मैं आपकी शरण तक कर आया हूँ। शरनाई Ex: To take refuge , hiding in a thicket शरनी Ex: To take refuge in a port श्रय Ex: You are my only refuge, it is the refuge of the poor श्राय Ex: Its home is the refuge of all the unfortunate श्रिति श्रुष्टि संप्रश्न संस्तंभ सत्रापश्रय सभुपस्तंभ समुपष्टभ सरन ‡ सहारा उ: इसके लिए वोटिंग का सहारा लेना पड़ता था। सह्यकर्म स्थानाश्रय हस्तालंब हस्तावलंब हस्र
Other : आड़ Ex: Lucia and Grenada and seeking refuge in mainland St. आश्रम Ex: With no other refuge to escape to उ: उन दिनों आश्रम में बिजली नहीं थी। आसरा Ex: Prince Gui, sought refuge with the King of Burma a vassal of the Ming Dynasty ओक Ex: For some time, Tasmania was the last refuge of large marsupial carnivores. उ: गर्मियों में अंड-समूह हालांकि ओक टहनियों की तरह दिखाई देते हैं। किला Ex: Driven by a famine to take refuge in Egypt उ: उस राजा का किला दियूरिया के जंगल में आज भी है। कूड़ा Ex: Turin refused to give refuge to the retreating forces of Maxentius. गढ Ex: Obote took refuge in Tanzania गढ़ Ex: Tenaya's band fled the Valley and sought refuge with the Mono पनाह की जगह Ex: I assured him refuge पनाह Ex: If somebody refuge with रक्षा Ex: The laws are the refuge of the weak उ: इसमें रक्षा आयुध का निर्माण होता है। रक्षास्थान Ex: The police besieged the house where he had taken refuge वसीला Ex: The police hemmed the house where he had taken refuge
Refuge ki paribhasha : aapaatti, kasht ya naash aadi se bachaana ladai ke samay bachaav ka ek sududh sthaan raajaniti men shutr par vijay paane ki sukti
ExamplesUsage of Refuge in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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