Refuse meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Refuse
As noun : अग्राह्य करना Ex:  I always refuse to take money from any organization.
अमान्यता Ex:  Town refuse is dumped outside the town. उ:   दोनों का मानना था कि अमान्यता कुछ ही महीनों में प्राप्त हो सकती है। अवशिष्ट Ex:  I refuse to bargain over money with Dan . उ:   बेतवा की सहायक नदी धसान नदी के नाम में अवशिष्ट है। असार Ex:  I refuse to lose sleep about it . इन्कार करना Ex:  I am angry with him and I refuse to speak to him . उच्छेष Ex:  Although Austen disliked the Prince, she could scarcely refuse the request. उर्वरित Ex:  Most card players would refuse to play cards with a known cheat. उलंघना उलँघना Ex:  Due to hazards or inconveniences postal carriers may refuse उवलाँघना Ex:  It is unacceptable to refuse Membership कचरा Ex:  Afford, refuse to openings उ:   कचरा गांव का अछूत सफ़ाई सेवक था। कूड़ा कर्कट Ex:  Do not raise your hand, finger, little finger, is said to refuse to make any effort खँडफुल्ल Ex:  Giving refuse an apostille तलछट Ex:  I am your servant, I am his valet said when we refuse to do or believe something उ:   खाड़ी के किनारे पर स्थित तलछट एक चिकनी, सतत तटरेखा बनाती हैं। तलछत Ex:  I do not refuse me an explanation तलठी Ex:  It also means simply Require, by some consideration to abstain from something, to refuse any something तलमल Ex:  It also means To refuse to see the obvious तलौँछ Ex:  It does not refuse the coarsest incense न मानना Ex:  It is also said Give me, give me, do not refuse me a place in your friendship, your esteem in your Remember परित्यक्त Ex:  Signing, refuse Form पारिशेय Ex:  So you refuse प्रतिषेध करना Ex:  The bishop could refuse visa without giving written reasons for the refusal प्रबाधन Ex:  The stomach, legs refuse him service, his stomach, his legs are longer than their functions penalty प्रमुक्त Ex:  This will obviously refuse to प्रहीण Ex:  To refuse to something brusquely प्रोत्सारित Ex:  VIDANGES, plural, refers to materials, the refuse removed from a place that they empty or being cleaned बकीया Ex:  Vote the budget, refuse मना करना Ex:  We can not refuse his assent to a proposal if just वर्ज Ex:  You refuse me a simple thing? it's good, I'll remember विच्छर्दित Ex:  You refuse my offer विनीय Ex:  , in the language of Scripture, put the lamp, the light under a bushel, men hide the truth, refuse to inform साफ जवाब देना Ex:  , This is not refused, I do not refuse no, I gladly accept what you offer me
As verb : अस्वीकार करना Ex:  I refuse to lower myself to your level . इंकार Ex:  I refuse to pick up after your rowdy friends . उ:   उन्होंने इन दोनों प्रस्तावों से इंकार कर दिया। उपसंहरण Ex:  The Sovereign may theoretically refuse a dissolution ननुकारना Ex:  judicial assignment, Celle that justice allows a debtor to do and that creditors can not refuse पराकरण Ex:  Return a litigant's request, by the refuse प्रबाधन Ex:  The stomach, legs refuse him service, his stomach, his legs are longer than their functions penalty
Other : अस्वीकृत करना Ex:  I refuse to pass on rumors . आश्रय Ex:  I refuse to pick up after you all the time . उ:   कहानी की तरह एकांकी वर्णन का आश्रय नहीं ले सकता। इनकार करना Ex:  I refuse to risk my neck at all . उच्छिष्‍ट Ex:  I refuse to travel through a snowstorm . कतवार Ex:  Do not ask him this favor, you inexorably refuse कर्कट Ex:  Do not obey, refuse to obey someone, either by what is forbidden, either by not what is commanded उ:   कुछ कर्कट रोगज़नक़ के संक्रमण के कारण हो सकते हैं। कूड़ा Ex:  Getting everything, Getting useful in all, do not refuse to उ:   बी एम सी ही शहर की सड़क रखरखाव और कूड़ा प्रबंधन भी देखता है। कूडा़ Ex:  Give refuse membership to a project, a fraternal benefit society खूद Ex:  Giving refuse consent to something छँटाव Ex:  He can refuse nothing to his friends छाँट Ex:  He did not have the strength to refuse छांटन Ex:  He implored me He pressed me so hard that I could not refuse him what he asked me छूट Ex:  He said, figuratively and familiarly, to mean we refuse to get in with someone उ:   इसके बावजूद क्योटो से भारत को छूट दिया गया। जूठा Ex:  I am your servant, I am her servant told someone or someone to mark it or refuse what he asks what he proposes, or that one is not of the same opinion न लेना Ex:  It is quite strange that you refuse नापसन्द करना Ex:  Look what you refuse नामँजूर करना Ex:  Make, accept, receive, refuse bequests, legacies नामंजूर करना Ex:  of both genders who refuse obedience to legitimate authority नामञ्जूर करना Ex:  Renier someone to his relative, for his friend, refuse to recognize him as such नाही करना Ex:  Request, offer, give, refuse peace मैल Ex:  We offer a beautiful setting, do not refuse it and not going to make the beast, do not you dare point of making the beast
Refuse ki paribhasha : philavaanon ka ek snket jisaka vyavahaar haathi ko chalaane men hota hai taraaj ki dndi ka mud hua sira jisamen palade ki rassi bndhi rahati hai khaane pine ki vah vastu jise kisi ne khaakar chhod diya ho saarahin ya nistatv bhaag chhoda,phenkaa,nikaala ya door kiya hua paani ya aur kisi drav padaarth ke niche baithi hui mail jamin par padi hai gard khar patte aadi jinhen saaph karane ke linye jhaadou diya jaata hai rui ka khood ya binaula jo dhunane par alaga kar diya jaata hai
Usage of Refuse in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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