Refute meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Refute
As verb : खण्डन करना Ex:  It is also used figuratively and signifies Destroy, completely refute
Other :
अप्रमाणित करना Ex:  Those who state the argument often refute it immediately. खंडन करना Ex:  It also means Talking or writing to refute झूठा करना Ex:  Resolve, push, refute झूठा या असत्य ठहराना Ex:  Talking respond refute flatly, one frank, bold, without hesitation, bluntly झूठा वा असत्य ठहराना Ex:  The only facts refute this slander निराकरण करना Ex:  We say the same beat someone in the face, completely refute the
Refute ki paribhasha : kisi dhaaradaar chij ki daab ya ragad se do tukade karana
Usage of Refute in sentences

The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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