Regime meaning in hindi
As noun : अनार्की Ex: the shakiness of the present regime
ऐडमिनिस्ट्रेशन Ex: Since the fall of the Communist regime ओलिगार्की Ex: Partly as a reaction to the prominent presence of Jews in the Kun regime कुलराज्य Ex: Just as the Brazilian regime changes of 1889 दंडभंग Ex: Kabul was under a new regime दौर Ex: The new regime was threatened by White forces उ: इस दौर की उनकी कविताएं वीणा में संकलित हैं। धर्मकील Ex: Estimates vary as to how many people were killed by the Khmer Rouge regime पथ्यापथ्य नियम Ex: There were several coups and regime changes बादशाहत Ex: The new Soviet regime राज्यधर Ex: The Prince finds the current Zimbabwean regime abhorrent. विराज्य़ Ex: Stalin eventually succeeded in gaining control of the Soviet regime वैशस्त्र Ex: It is also generally agreed that he disliked the regime शासन पद्वति Ex: It was during Porfirio Diaz's regime that the government sponsored arts शासन पध्दति या व्यवस्था Ex: There they planned a rebellion against the second Obote regime शासन Ex: The ensuing regime suffered several coups उ: उसके शासन का स्थान तीसरे गणराज्य ने लिया। शासनकर्ता Ex: The number of people killed as a result of his regime is unknown शास्त्रि Ex: Melady described Amin's regime as "racist साति Ex: Two things saved Gomułka's regime at this point. स्वल्पव्यक्ति तंत्र Ex: The regime had no means of legitimizing itself
Other : रहन Ex: All aid to Siad Barre's regime was halted उ: यहाँ के निवासियों की रहन सहन तुषार देशवासियों जैसी थी। रहने का तरीका या ढंग Ex: "During the Trujillo regime रहने का तरीका वा ढंग Ex: On July 20 1974, as Turkey invaded the island of Cyprus, the regime collapsed. राज्य का ढंग Ex: In the late 1970s the Shah's regime शाशन प्रणाली Ex: Despite the removal of Saddam and his regime by Coalition forces शास Ex: In a book on Jehovah's Witnesses under the Nazi regime शासनकाल Ex: Amin's health minister and a former official of the first Obote regime उ: उसके शासनकाल में संघर्षों की भरमार लगी रही। हुकूमत Ex: The name was changed again during the Austro-fascist regime उ: उसकी जगह इटली में गौथों की हुकूमत कायम हो गई।
Regime ki paribhasha : rahane ki kriya ya bhaav adhinata men rakhane ki kriya ya bhaav kisi ko apane adhikaar ya vash men rakhana prayatnon ki pahunch ya sima
ExamplesUsage of Regime in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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