Regulation meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Regulation
As noun : अधिनियम Ex:  It involved as a phased programme going over a twenty five year period.
Cutbacks were phased over a 1.year period.
The new regulation will be phased in from september.
उ:   यह अधिनियम १ जुलाई १९८९ से लागू है।
असदाचार Ex:  Physiological regulation of blood glucose आदाब Ex:  Such regulation generally leads to gambling tourism and illegal gambling. उच्छास्त्र Ex:  However, the lack of labor regulation is not without controversy. उपदेशता Ex:  The encyclical advocated the regulation of working conditions एकट Ex:  Environmental regulation uses a variety of approaches to limit these emissions एक्ट Ex:  Official regulation states that the flag must never touch the ground or water उ:   यह एक्ट इस समय कश्मीर को बचाने के लिए बहुत ज़रूरी था। ऐडमिनिस्ट्रेशन Ex:  In intrinsic regulation जापता Ex:  An example of the first view is the regulation of attorneys and judges तरीक Ex:  There also exist secondary regulation called arrêtés धर्मप्रवक्ता Ex:  Since patents and regulation are very important issues for biotech enterprises धर्मसमय Ex:  Due to relaxed import regulation since 2005, the business has declined. धर्मस्थाय Ex:  Cancer is fundamentally a disease of regulation of tissue growth. नियन्त्रण Ex:  American liberals endorse regulation for business उ:   प्रथाओं के द्वारा इन पर नियन्त्रण रखना असम्भव है। नियम Ex:  There were early problems with cockpit temperature regulation उ:   नियम भी आदतों की तरह पुष्ट होते जाते हैं। बन्दोबस्त Ex:  Comply to order, summons, regulation उ:   स्थाई बन्दोबस्त का मॉडल सर जॉन शोर ने दिया था। मर्य्यादा Ex:  In terms Racing, qualified Horse, Horse who has satisfied all the conditions required by the race's regulation रेगुलेशन Ex:  Insert a stop, an administrative regulation to the "Official Journal" वयुन Ex:  It also says a Remuneration payable resulting from tax, an administrative regulation विनियम Ex:  It means, in a widest sense, Order, law, regulation उ:   अन्य विनियम लागू हैं। विनियमन Ex:  Judges regulation Stop उ:   विदेशी मुद्रा विनियमन और प्रबंधन अधिनियम।
Other : आईन Ex:  The strongest act is a regulation कायदा Ex:  A temperature regulation system contained a fan उ:   अल कायदा से जुड़ा यह समूह कथित रूप से इस तकनीक में पारित हुआ है। निनियमन Ex:  2007 Queensland regulation changes have opened up the retail energy market नियंत्रण Ex:  Heavy regulation of insurance companies helps keep the cost to employers down. उ:   केवल व्यापार पर अमरीका का नियंत्रण १९४१ तक चला। नियमन Ex:  Adjust the position, to a higher Take the attitude prescribed by the regulation उ:   यह राष्ट्रों के मध्य सम्बन्धों का नियमन करता है। विधान Ex:  It has the required age, the qualifications for this job to be admitted He was the age fixed by law, by regulation or simply the suitable age, the qualities necessary उ:   यह विधान सभा के अकेले सदस्य हैं।
Regulation ki paribhasha : kisi ke liye vah vidhaan jisase usake siva any ka vaaran ho sake sarakaar dbaara kisi vastu ke moolya, samaan vitaran aadi par lagaaya jaanevaala pratibndh kisi vishay men shaastriy vyavastha dena ya batalaana vidhi ya nishchay ke anukool praatibndh lokasabha ya sarvochch shaasak dvaara paarit athava svikrat vidhi, niyama, kaanoon
Usage of Regulation in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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