Reinforce meaning in hindi
As verb : नई सेना से सहायता करना Ex:  Kim Jong-il adopted a "Military-First" policy to reinforce the regime.
मजबूत बनाना Ex:  Marine rope around sewn sails to reinforce the edges विचारों को अधिक शक्तिशाली बनाना Ex:  This child is better, his little legs reinforce समर्थन करना Ex:  This serves to reinforce सीमेंट और कंकरीट को लोहे की छड़ों से मजबूती प्रदान करना Ex:  It is then attached to one or adverbs that reinforce the assertion as true, really, etc सुदृढ बनाना सुदृढ़ या मजबूत करना
Other : कुमक भेजना Ex:  Our country should reinforce an army. नी सेना से सहायता करना Ex:  Trees modify cell walls in their branches to reinforce and support structure. बढ़ाना Ex:  The two reinforce each other उ: डीपमींड़ का मुख्य लक्ष्य बूझने के क्षमता को बढ़ाना है। बल देना Ex:  In these ways of speaking DROP serves to reinforce the negative view मजबूत करना Ex:  It is often accompanied of course, to really which reinforce the direction सुदृढ़ बनाना
Reinforce ki paribhasha : vistaar ya parimaan men adhik karana
ExamplesUsage of Reinforce in sentences
The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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