Relay meaning in hindi
As noun : आगे भेजना Ex:  The Western Electric 1ESS switch still had reed relay metallic paths.
टोलिया Ex:  1837. China enjoyed postal relay stations since the Han dynasty टोली Ex:  Ventral Efferent However, there are relay neurons in the CNS as well. उ: इस बांध का निर्माण टोंक जिले की टोली गांव में किया गया है। नई टोली Ex:  Find four leagues relay horses in four leagues पसारण Ex:  Having relay horses, relay crew, Having horses and crews enough Many, to be able to use sometimes the one, sometimes the other प्रसारण करना Ex:  If a sick relay to प्रसारण केंद्र Ex:  In the second relay प्रसारण Ex:  Putting relay refuites to उ: और वहां से उनका प्रसारण होता था। प्रसारित करना Ex:  RELAYING is used as intransitive verb and means Take fresh horses relay रासमंडली Ex:  This is the relay रिले करना Ex:  We heard a broadcast from New York relay रिले Ex:  were placed on the road relay उ: यह विद्युतीय स्विचों पर आधारित था जिन्हें रिले कहा जाता था।
As verb : फिर बटोरना वा जमा करना Ex:  They dined with third relay
Other : अग्रसर किया या पहुँचाना Ex:  the relay was successful अतिरिक्त पूर्ति {जानवरों या आदमियों} की Ex:  Children have participated in 4*100 metre relay race. अभिचालन करना Ex:  A relay station receives signals and transmitts them again with greater strength. अभिचालित्र Ex:  This was done with relay logic and discrete electronics. घोडों की डाक Ex:  Plans to relay a further three miles of track to Portishead चौकी दौड़ Ex:  When possible, sloops and cutters were used to relay information by sea. जमा की हुई वस्तु Ex:  It is also very important to relay any actions that have been taken डाक Ex:  A box that will relay उ: यहां विश्व भर के डाक टिकटों का अनूठा संग्रह है। प्रतिसारण Ex:  He once said of him that ran the station in front of cars to prepare the relay प्रसारण-केंद्र Ex:  Leave the relay, Release the dogs placed in relay after the beast that is short
Relay ki paribhasha : is kaary men prayukt honevaala upakaran ya aujaar nilaam ki vastu lenevaalon ki pukaar jisake dvaara ve daam lagaate hain ek jaati ka baaans jo poorviy himaalaya, sikkim aur aasaam ki or hota hai
ExamplesUsage of Relay in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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