Religion meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Religion
As noun : आकलना Ex:  Islam,the religion of the Muslims.
आलंबनता Ex:  Mystical intuition
Mystical religion
ईमाँ Ex:  Every institutionalised religion has elements of obscuratism. ईमान Ex:  Hockey was like a religion for Dhyan Chand. उ:   अतः वे ईमान नहीं लाएँगे। जीवन का अंग Ex:  They remained tied to the strictures of their religion तरीक Ex:  The state religion is Theravada Buddhism Ex:  Wine has also played an important role in religion since ancient times. धरम्म Ex:  While opposed to the institutions of organized religion धर्म Ex:  7.4% considers itself agnostics or atheists or without a religion उ:   धर्म तथा अहिंसा से विष्णु का जन्म हुआ है। धर्मपीड़ा Ex:  Those professing no religion number 13.29 percent. धर्मा Ex:  The main religion is Christianity. उ:   वह धर्मा प्रोडक्शन्स कम्पनी के मुखिया भी है। धर्मातिक्रमण Ex:  One of the most debated issues among scholars is over the religion of Makuria. धृम Ex:  Santo Daime is a syncretic religion with elements of shamanism. ध्रम Ex:  Of those Missourians who identify with a religion परमात्मा के अस्तित्व में विश्वास Ex:  Lindbeck defines religion as परिषत्व Ex:  The religion and beliefs of Europe were largely products of Judaeo-Christianity प्रकाशता Ex:  40% is listed as having no religion प्रणिघान Ex:  The earliest major religion of the Iranian peoples was Zoroastrianism भकति Ex:  Also in Chinese religion भक्तपन Ex:  Islam is the official religion of Brunei भक्ति Ex:  Djibouti's main religion is Islam. उ:   इन्होंने प्रेमलक्षणा भक्ति को अपनाया है। भूषणता Ex:  The Muslim religion comprises 94 percent of Djibouti's population . मुचिर Ex:  The most practiced religion in this region is Roman Catholicism मुमुक्षुता Ex:  Taoism has never been a unified religion मेजबानी Ex:  The traditional Chinese religion is polytheistic. उ:   इंग्लैंड ने पहले तीन प्रतियोगिताओं की मेजबानी की। यजमानी Ex:  Islam is the second largest religion in Spain उ:   संभवतः यजमानी प्रणाली इन्हीं सेवा संबंधों का परिणाम है। रसिकत्व Ex:  Time has been a major subject of religion राजधरम Ex:  "to reestablish the principles of religion विद्युत्त Ex:  Christianity was introduced as a religion of the elite विशोकता Ex:  His name is the most common in all historic records of Slavic religion विषयता Ex:  The indigenous religion of Benin is practiced by about 60% of the population. विहीनता Ex:  His comparative analyses of religion वृत्तिता Ex:  Hinduism is the second dominant religion in Bhutan वृषलता Ex:  The largest religion in Wales is Christianity वैकुंठत्व Ex:  Islam is the largest non-Christian religion in Wales व्यालत्व Ex:  Genghis Khan's religion is widely speculated to be Shamanism or Tengrism शंडता Ex:  Christianity is the majority religion शक्तिमत्ता Ex:  The term "Islamic" refers not only to the religion शरभता Ex:  Regarding al-Khwārizmī's religion शलभता Ex:  Christianity became a religion of the son", he wrote. शलभत्व Ex:  24.25% claimed to not be affiliated with a religion शहशाही Ex:  Christianity is the main religion शां Ex:  Although Islam is the state religion in Mauritania शालात्व Ex:  The ancient Greek religion has also reappeared as Hellenic_Neopaganism शुल्कता Ex:  The legend says that after Qais heard of the new religion of Islam शूद्रत्व Ex:  Dievturi , whose religion is based on Latvian mythology. उ:   पृषध्न ने अनजाने में गौहत्या के अपराध से शूद्रत्व प्राप्त किया। शौटीरता Ex:  The predominant religion in Armenia is Christianity. श्यावता Ex:  The religion has been mixed with some elements of the indigenous religions. श्राद्धत्व Ex:  The animistic origin of religion is therefore not proven. श्रोत्रियता Ex:  Philosophy and religion are often closely interwoven in Eastern thought. श्लोकत्व Ex:  Islam remains the only official religion of The Maldives सत्यधर्म Ex:  Islam is the official religion of the entire population समयाचार Ex:  Emphasis on Christianity stems from this being the dominant religion in Europe समवायत्व Ex:  In the Bahá'í religion God is often referred to by titles and attributes समीचीनता Ex:  Vishniac associated much of his work with religion सयोनिता Ex:  Hinduism is the world's oldest major religion that is still practiced. सहितत्व Ex:  It is the world's third largest religion following Christianity and Islam साधारणय Ex:  Judaism is the religion of the Jewish people सापिंडय Ex:  The largest religious groupings are No religion 60% सायुज्यत्व Ex:  60% of Bristol's population registered their religion as Christianity सारुप्यता Ex:  Newton wrote more on religion than he did on natural science. सिवता Ex:  The main religion of Nepal is Hinduism. सुरश्रेष्ठ Ex:  These include organized religion सुरेंद्रता Ex:  In essence, the “surrender to Allah” is the religion itself. सुवेशता Ex:  Gibraltar's main religion is Christianity सौंदर्य, सौंदर्य्य Ex:  Although the Catholic Church is no longer officially the state religion स्फीतता Ex:  Despite the shamanistic Völvas, this religion was not a form of shamanism. स्वार्थंता Ex:  The next most reported religion of Uganda is Islam
Other : ईश्वर भक्ति Ex:  Hindu religion believes in polytheism. धर्मनिष्ठता Ex:  Sunni Islam is the dominant religion धर्मशास्त्र Ex:  The Buddhist religion was adopted by the state in the following century. उ:   धर्मशास्त्र और पूर्व की नजीरों के आधार पर ही दण्ड होता था। पंथ Ex:  The development of religion has taken many forms in various cultures. उ:   उन्होंने ख़ालसा पंथ की स्थापना की। पवित्रता Ex:  The Religio Romana constituted the major religion of the city in antiquity. उ:   छठ पूजा का सबसे महत्त्वपूर्ण पक्ष इसकी सादगी पवित्रता और लोकपक्ष है। मजहब Ex:  Roman Catholicism is the main religion in the country.
Religion ki paribhasha : vah halka bhojan jo rogi ko lnghan ya upavaas ke pichhe sharir kuchh svasth hone par diya jaata hai kisi janasamooh ke liye uchit aachaar vyavahaar ki vyavastha jo kisi mahaatma ya aachaary ki or se hone ke kaaran maany samajhi jaati ho vah vibhaag jo rekha dvaara kiya gaya ho kisi vastu ya vyaakti ki vah vratti jo usamen sada rahe, usase kabhi alag na ho
Usage of Religion in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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