Religious meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Religious
As noun : अकल्कल Ex:  My Aunt is a religious lady.
अजिह्म Ex:  Haridwar is a religious place of importance for the Hindus. आर्यवृत्त Ex:  profound religious impulses ईमानदार Ex:  Ali had a religious upbringing in a Madarasa. उ:   दरअसल यह आम और ईमानदार लोगों को न्याय दिलाने वाला धारावाहिक है। उज्झक Ex:  The pillgrims sang a religious chant. तरंत Ex:  he condemned religious sectarianism दार्मिक Ex:  Swami Vivekanand was a great social and religious reformer. दीनी Ex:  Im totally against religious bigotry. देवयु Ex:  Bob is religious about paying his bills on time . धरमादी Ex:  However, it divided the electorate into 19 religious and social categories, e. धर्मधारी Ex:  She took her first religious vows as a nun on May 24 धर्मानिष्ठ Ex:  Among the major religious sites of eastern Pictland were Portmahomack धर्मिष्टी Ex:  In other religious music धार्मिक व्यवस्थाविषयक Ex:  There are about 5-6 million religious adherents to Confucianism worldwide. धार्मिक Ex:  From his religious activities Hrafnkell comes to be known as Freysgoði . उ:   आन्ध्र प्रदेश कई धार्मिक तीर्थ केंद्रों का घर है। निष्प्रपंच Ex:  According to Roman religious beliefs परत्रभोरु Ex:  Shattering religious and cultural taboos पुण्यकृत् Ex:  Native American and First Nations cultures have diverse religious beliefs. पौण्य Ex:  A great variety of new religious movements originated in the 20th century प्रव्रजित Ex:  Unlike other religious groups भक्त Ex:  A strongly religious country उ:   भक्त लोक ये पदार्थ देते हैं। भवायन Ex:  Aside from their religious influence मर्देखुदा Ex:  Every major religious house in England kept its own वंद्र Ex:  Tylor also theorized about the origins of religious feelings in human beings वरिवसिता Ex:  Since 1989 the religious life in Lviv has experienced a revival. शुद्धधी Ex:  15.1% had no religious affiliation, 2.3% were other and 1.4% were unspecified. श्लक्ष्ण Ex:  Many persons combined Christian and traditional indigenous religious practices. सत्यपर,सत्यपरायण Ex:  , on which are also written three religious pieces. सत्वविहित Ex:  Although there are several historic religious communities in Belgrade सन्यासिनी Ex:  In Africa and Yemen, it was used in religious ceremonies. सन्यासी Ex:  Bradmania", amounting almost to religious fervour, demanded his return". उ:   इसका नामकरण स्वामी भवानी दयाल सन्यासी के नाम पर हुआ है। सान्न्यासिक Ex:  Moses also appears in other religious texts such as the Midrash सिद्दीक Ex:  It was based upon Pythagoras’ religious teachings and was very secretive. सुप्रतिपन्न Ex:  Pythagoras’ religious and scientific views were स्वव्याज Ex:  Examples of religious institutes include the Benedictines हरिदास Ex:  Most people are farmers with traditional religious beliefs उ:   हरिदास सिद्धान्त वागीशजी ने बंगला में भी कुछ पुस्तकें लिखी हैं ।
As adjective : धार्मिक स्वभाव का Ex:  Gothic Architecture had been used for many religious palaces निष्ठापूर्वक Ex:  Joan's religious visions have interested many people. मठ का Ex:  William was very religious
Other : आस्तिक Ex:  Talibans of Afghanistan are religious zealots. उ:   वे आस्तिक हैं तथा प्रभु की सामर्थ्य में उनका अटूट विश्‍वास है। धर्मनिष्ठ Ex:  He never went to any religious services in his later years. धर्मात्मा Ex:  The 2001 Hungarian Census showed religious adherency to be the following. उ:   ब्रह्मण धर्मात्मा था और उसकी पत्नी पतिव्रता। भक्तिमान Ex:  Thus the conflict between religious truth and scientific truth continues. मजहबी Ex:  Additionally some buses are painted with religious artwork of Catholic saints. मज़हबी या धार्मिक Ex:  For these social and religious reasons
Religious ki paribhasha : kisi dhaarmik mat ya snpradaay se snbndh rakhanevaala seva pooja karanevaala purush jo lenaden ya vyavahaar men sachcha ho vah purush jisane snnyaas dhaaran kiya ho
Usage of Religious in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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