Reluctant meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Reluctant
As adjective : अनिच्छक Ex:  She was reluctant to taste the mocha.
अनिच्छुक Ex:  his reluctant delivery of bad news उ:   अनिच्छुक रूप से अर्जुन प्रस्ताव स्वीकार कर लेता है। अलोभी Ex:  His coy bride was reluctant to show her face. असम्मत Ex:  He was reluctant to give his daughter away .
Other : खिलाफ Ex:  However, tourists were reluctant to do so for psychological reasons. उ:   बैंगलोर में भारत ए के खिलाफ दिन का मैच।
Reluctant ki paribhasha : jisane kisi baat se muanh pher liya ho jisapar kisi ki raay na ho
Usage of Reluctant in sentences

The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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